MrF's Image Thread


Senior Member
Figured I'd go ahead and get an image thread started with a shot I took this weekend:


D7000 with the 18-105mm kit lens: 52mm, 200 ISO, 1/1250, f/7.1 and a 2 stop grad filter.

I had the grad filter on when the sun was a little higher in the sky. I wound up taking it off a few shots after this one since I thought it was darkening the sky a little too much and causing some vignetting.
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Senior Member
I've been debating posting this one, since I'm not completely happy with the composition, but I love the way the colors came out. I was just playing around with the lens in my backyard and liked the way the flowers on this bush were lit. I have no idea what kind of bush it is.

D7000 with a 75-300mm f/4.5-5.6 AF at 300mm. ISO 200, 1/200, f/5.6.

Carolina Photo Guy

Senior Member
I've been debating posting this one, since I'm not completely happy with the composition, but I love the way the colors came out. I was just playing around with the lens in my backyard and liked the way the flowers on this bush were lit. I have no idea what kind of bush it is.

D7000 with a 75-300mm f/4.5-5.6 AF at 300mm. ISO 200, 1/200, f/5.6.

That is a "Blue Flower Weed Bush" and they are very rare. They ONLY grow EVERYWHERE!!! :)

Your comp is nothing to be ashamed of. Your in focus flower is on a vertical third and your leading line is crossing a horizontal third.

Looks great to me.



Senior Member
That is a "Blue Flower Weed Bush" and they are very rare. They ONLY grow EVERYWHERE!!! :)

Your comp is nothing to be ashamed of. Your in focus flower is on a vertical third and your leading line is crossing a horizontal third.

Looks great to me.


Haha... That's pretty close to what I call it when it needs trimmed.

Thanks for the composition critique. I was at a little bit of a loss for how to compose with the bokeh robbing me of any good background elements to use. I'm glad you like it.

What part of Carolina are you from? I grew up in Danville, VA and spent a decent amount of time in NC.

Carolina Photo Guy

Senior Member
Haha... That's pretty close to what I call it when it needs trimmed.

Thanks for the composition critique. I was at a little bit of a loss for how to compose with the bokeh robbing me of any good background elements to use. I'm glad you like it.

What part of Carolina are you from? I grew up in Danville, VA and spent a decent amount of time in NC.

Being from and living in are two very different things!

I am originally from Durham, but I'm living in Winston-Salem.

Let me give you a hot tip on composition.

Satisfy YOURSELF first. If you're happy, thats all that counts.

Its YOUR camera, YOUR sd card and YOU are the one thats out there in every weather imaginable to take the shot.

If someone does not like your shot, then they can duplicate your equipment and take the damn picture themselves!



Senior Member
Being from and living in are two very different things!

I am originally from Durham, but I'm living in Winston-Salem.

Let me give you a hot tip on composition.

Satisfy YOURSELF first. If you're happy, thats all that counts.

Its YOUR camera, YOUR sd card and YOU are the one thats out there in every weather imaginable to take the shot.

If someone does not like your shot, then they can duplicate your equipment and take the damn picture themselves!


That's a valid point.


Senior Member
Here are a couple I took at Yosemite this past weekend. Half Dome from Mirror Lake:

And Tunnel View approaching sunset:

I'm still playing around with a few others, trying to get an HDR merge that I like out of a few scenes.

Carolina Photo Guy

Senior Member
Here are a couple I took at Yosemite this past weekend. Half Dome from Mirror Lake:

And Tunnel View approaching sunset:

I'm still playing around with a few others, trying to get an HDR merge that I like out of a few scenes.

I would love to see these shots in an Ansel Adams style!

I'll bet THAT would make for a fantastic Challenge!

Good shootin' Tex!


Senior Member
I've been playing around in GIMP with some B&W conversions and finally got something I was happy with:

I used the channel mixer to make the conversion. I was having some issues with noise in the sky. I found that increasing the saturation before converting to monochrome helped with the noise quite a bit. I'm still pretty new at B&W digital conversions, so I don't know if that's good technique or not, but it turned out pretty good here.


Senior Member
Well folks, I'm packed up, the camera is packed up, and I'll be out of the country for the next six or seven months. Due to the bandwidth on the ship, I'll likely not be able to post any photos, but I should be able to check in from time to time. Thanks for the warm welcome and all the support over the last month!


Senior Member
Greetings from Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia! I put some new images from the last month in my gallery. Hope all is well on the forums!


Senior Member
On that note, has anyone had issues with the upload interface recently? After I hit submit, it acts like I didn't select any images. It's also possible that it has to do with the internet restrictions here.


Senior Member
I was trying to upload to my member gallery, file size was around 700k. I'll try direct to the thread, I don't know why I didn't think of that.


Senior Member
For Christmas, here's a shot I took a couple of years ago at my parents house on a Kodak P&S. I'd always liked it, and finally got around to using GIMP to fix some minor distortion and a perspective issue that had been bugging me.


  • Christmas Tree Web File.jpg
    Christmas Tree Web File.jpg
    370.4 KB · Views: 78


Senior Member
hi, looks like you got a photo posted thru the thread. For gallery upload - check the right side of upload page for a box labeled upload page, in the box will be flash upload and standard upload - select the standard upload. Hope that fixes up loads to your gallery.


Senior Member
I will list for you the exact way I put pictures in my thread

First thing I do is to size my picture where the longest side is 1200 Pixels and I save it to one meg file size or less to get my picture ready

Open thread and click on Reply to Thread
Next I click on Insert Image and click on select Files
I locate the file and open it
Next I download it to my post
When it shows up as a thumbnail on the thread I place my cursor to the left of the picture and press enter twice to move the picture down the page
Next I press the up arrow 2 times to get the cursor back to the top of page
Now I type in the message
Next I double click the picture and click on "LEFT" and "FULL SIZE" and then "OK"
Then I click on "Post Quick Reply"




Senior Member
hi, looks like you got a photo posted thru the thread. For gallery upload - check the right side of upload page for a box labeled upload page, in the box will be flash upload and standard upload - select the standard upload. Hope that fixes up loads to your gallery.

Thanks, Ron! Using the standard upload worked just fine. Here's one more:
Taken at Kamala Beach in Thailand in October this year. ISO 200, 1/2500, f/5 at 18mm. Taken through the tinted glass of the van I was in at the time as we drove past. I had just enough time to process the thought "wow, that's beautiful," grab my camera, and take the shot before it was blocked by trees again.