M42 Lenses


New member
Has anyone tried the Nikon to M42 Lens Converter or Adaptor, i got an adaptor given a while ago but never got round to getting a M42 Lens, there are some pretty good Lenses with M42 Mounts and with me finding the Pentax Adaptor i am thinking of getting one for my Nikon D5300. I know they will only work in Manual Focus but with the price of lenses i thought they might be ok till i can afford some proper Nikon Glass, i would love to hear some thoughts on these Lenses. My initial thought was to get some for my Samsung Mirrorless, i thought that having a Camera that doesn't have a Viewfinder and relies on the screen for focus might work well, then thought why not the Nikon as well. Having a converter for each Camera means i could use M42's on each of them.


New member
Been chatting to a few photography friends and like you some said they are a waste of time and others who actually love using them even though they have expensive Lenses they could use, so it's obviously not about the money. When you have to put more effort into something that turns out great then surely you have to feel more satisfied with the result more than someone that just points and shoots. If someone is happy to just put their Camera in Auto Mode and Take Pictures then i say good for them. I suppose for me Money would play a small part in me using M42 Lenses but i think the feeling of satisfaction at taking a Picture that turned out great with "Old Tech" would make me more content.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Normally, I would agree with you... IF you were buying older Leica Summicron-M lenses that cost $3000-4,000... but in your previous post you said you were doing it because you couldn't afford a Nikon lens...


New member
Well i can't afford to go out and buy the Lenses i would like lol but i have a couple that will be ok for now. I think i was thinking more the Samsung Mirrorless for the M42's, it was finding the Adaptor for the Pentax that got me thinking though i most probably went against the idea for Pentax but honestly can't remember.


Senior Member
i think you're wasting your time... by the time you buy the adapter and an M42 lens, which doesn't autofocus and no auto exposure... you can buy a Used Nikon lens from a reputable dealer that will do everything you need...

Here's one...


I agree with Fred. I would look for good quality used Nikon, Tokina, and Sigma lenses before I would spend money on M42 lenses. One report that I have heard is the the M42 senses will not give Nikon cameras a true infinity setting. I also don't believe I would spend money on a M42 lens for Samsung or Pentax cameras either!

BF Hammer

Senior Member
I can understand you are thinking this would be a way to use M42 lenses on other bodies, not just a D5300.

Really this only makes sense to do if you have some M42 lenses already and want to put them to use. If you plan to do this backwards and buy lenses, well you can get great F-mount lenses on the used market for less money.


New member
I will see how things progress, i am usually happy enough with a Zoom Lens and maybe a 50mm Prime though i hear the Nikon 18-140 Lens is quite good. I don't normally go for any lens over 300mm.I would like a nice 35mm Lens though the ones i have seen are quite expensive.


Senior Member
What lenses to you you have now for your Nikon D5300? The Nikon 18-140 would be a great overall lens for you D5300! You could then add prime lenses as you wanted them and could afford them.


New member
I have been looking at the 18-140 Lens. I have a Sigma 70-300 which has been sat in a drawer since around 2014 and just bought a Yongnuo 50mm 1.8. It didn't come with a lens unfortunately. I keep looking at the Nikon 35mm but then think am i in a rush to get another Prime. I have watched or do watch the Tony and Chelsea Northrup Videos and the 18-140 was one of his suggestions but he also said he liked the 18-55mm. I think the latter is a lot cheaper but not as good as the 18-140.


Senior Member
That 18-55 is the kit lens, and can often be found for a song. I think I paid right around 50 US dollars for mine, used, from B&H. On the 1.5x Nikon crop sensor like you have, that's a 27-82mm effective full frame reach, a very useful range.

Although not as fast an aperture range as more expensive lenses, it's so inexpensive that I think it would be worth your while to pick one up even if you also purchase that 18-140. It's a great little walking around lens, and despite the entry level status it takes very good pictures.


New member
Been looking at the 18-55 Kit Lens and your right about it being cheap enough, i usually pay in GBP and i have seen one in Good Condition for £60 whereas the 18-140 is round about double that. I am mainly looking for an out and about Lens and either of them would be good for that but it's deciding how much i want to spend really. I am not going to rush into it. My Pentax has a 18-50 Lens which is similar to the Nikon 18-55 so thinking the 18-140 might be the better choice.


New member
I have updated the Firmware on the D5300 this morning so should be good to go. I have noticed different variations in the Nikon 18-55 and the article you have linked was a big help in deciding which to go for. For what i will use it for and having the Pentax Kit Lens i will try and get the 18-140 or something in that range. Thanks for the help and advice i appreciate it.


Senior Member
I have the 18-55 kit lens that came with my D3400. It is not a high end lens. It is, however, a very capable lens, and I have taken a lot of photos with it with excellent results. I understand wanting something that has a longer zoom ratio, although that usually comes at a price, both in the wallet and often in lens quality, all other things being equal.

Bottom line is, I wouldn't hesitate to pick one up if you run across a good deal. They are a very common lens and often folks will upgrade and have one sitting around gathering dust. Heck, you can get a factory refurb from Nikon for $100. The 18-140 is more like $320. I upgraded the 70-300 that came with my Daughter's D5600. I thought I might be able to save some money by trading it in and got a quote from one of the major used camera companies. Trade in was $40, not worth parting with a backup lens. The 18-55 would have been even less.

Not trying to talk you out of the lens you want, just pointing out that the 18-55 is a real bargain, and a capable lens.


New member
It's having the Pentax Kit Lens (18-50) that's pushing me towards the 18-140, do i need 2 Lenses the same. I have plenty of Zoom with my Sigma 70-300 so it's not really about that. I haven't 100% decided yet and won't have the money to buy either till next week, the Prices for the 18-140 are pretty high on eBay and i can't see myself paying £200 plus for one so i may still opt for the 18-55 Kit Lens.


Senior Member
Don't know if this would work for you given your location. KEH camera has the 18-140 for just under $200 USD. They have others in varying grades for less. Not sure if international shipping, import duties, VAT tax, etc might price it higher than what's available locally for you. KEH does offer international shipping, but it starts at $49. Shipping within the US is free for orders over $49, but doesn't apply to international.



New member
Yeah me buying from USA would really bump the price up. I remember struggling with getting Camera Gear cheaper in the UK a few years back when i was a Canon user, it was even worse for the Pentax with eBay being the main place to get things. It still seems pretty bad here for Nikon Gear as well so it all boils down to if it isn't on eBay then i will have to wait till it is. You guys in the States don't know how lucky you are when it comes to buying Camera Equipment. Here in the UK it's terrible and i am quite jealous of all the things you can get and the prices you get it for.


Senior Member
A lot of folks from the UK are shocked when they have to pay sales tax here. They forget that we don't have a VAT tax added to the listed price. I'm outraged that sales tax is up to 8 1/2% here in my state. It was 4% when I moved here in the 80s. VAT is 20% in the UK from what I hear.

I do remember buying Wedgewood cheap at Mildenhall back in the 80s and 90s when I was in the AF Reserves. One of the missions I routinely flew on overnighted in Mildenhall. Fond memories of the Smokehouse Inn.

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
LordOdin, I think you will soon learn that most of the time people on this forum will gladly help you spend your money, other times, they try to save you from yourself.