John's Photos

Johnathan Aulabaugh

Senior Member
Nice shot John!, I'd like to get a chance to shoot there sometime

Thanks Rick, Yosemite is amazing for many reasons. We hit it in january right after some storms had shut down the upper roads which kinda hur my feelings lol. There is so much I have not seen of it that I have to go back someday. This particular day the weather was playing tricks on me so the sky was tough and in many of the images it was blown out completly. It was a good trip for my wife and I though, it being the first trip for us alone after our daughter was born.

Johnathan Aulabaugh

Senior Member
Went out to the wetlands this evening and took a few pictures. This tri colored Heron was nice enough to pose for me but I was hoping for some action shots... oh well


Johnathan Aulabaugh

Senior Member
Sorry for the hiatus. Been a little busy and actually needed a little break. I have been very busy shooting and would like to share a few fromt he last few weeks. Hope you all enjoy




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Johnathan Aulabaugh

Senior Member
Yeah Rick, The Photographers Challenge does take up a lot of time but is starting to unfold fairly well. Wednesday and Thursday are my busiest now and even that is getting easier now that I dont have to judge or come up with a challenge myself. Few more tweeks and it should run almost on auto pilot.

Thank you Marcel. This is a great forum.
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Johnathan Aulabaugh

Senior Member

I took this yesterday while trying to create an abstract image This lil guy just happened to land in front of me, so I had a little fun shooting him for a while.
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