Image review


New member
I generally shoot RAW + jpeg. The jpeg is just there for a backup (and recently for snapbridge). When reviewing the photos in camera I'd prefer not to have the jpegs appear at all (without having to pop the SD card or manually hide them). Anyone know if this is an option hidden away somewhere?


Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
You can't see RAW... RAW is data. What you see is a JPG rendition of the RAW data. Nikon, and every other camera/monitor/program displays JPG... sometimes from a JPG that's embedded in the RAW file... or it interprets the RAW data and based on the maker's decisions, displays a JPG image... There are lengthy discussions about the differences between Nikon's and Canon's interpretations and their JPG renderings from the same RAW data... There are also camera profiles in Nikon cameras that can be adjusted to render different JPG renditions of the camera's previews... but basically, everything you SEE is JPG...


Senior Member
I think the OP's issue is he is shooting raw+jpg and saving raw to card 1 and jpg to card 2. In this condition, when he reviews images, he will see the images on card 1 and then when all are jumped through and seen, he will see the images on card 2, essentially dups. While technically speaking nefs can't be seen, that is not the issue. He is simply seeing images on card 1 followed by images on card 2 and he doesn't want to see card 2 images because they are duplicates. I don't think there is any way to block card 2. He could save both raw+jpg on the same card and use card 2 for overflow, but that might not suit his backup needs. Even just shooting raw only with card 2 as backup, you will end up seeing the card 2 pics after you flip through card 1.


Senior Member
I shoot Raw + Jpeg and I see a difference between the 2 on the Camera LCD screen.

Along with that I do _not_ trust a Nikon LCD to display an accurate image. On the camera I'm looking to see if my shutter speed, Depth of Field and composition is as I expected.

I can sympathize with the OP as I've been fooled into thinking I'm looking at the Raw image while it's the JPEG on the display. Not the end of the world, just anmoying.

For all the bells and whistles built into the menus I wonder why Nikon can't include something like "Display only Jpegs for review/Display only Raw images for review".