I cheated on my Nikon with an Olympus !!


Senior Member
So I have a confession to make guys !! I cheated on my D500 with an Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II and the 7-14mm 2.8

With my work I was able to go along to an Olympus event at a disused prison here in the UK.

I was there as tech and sales help but I couldnt resist taking some shots myself, as I didnt plan on taking any photos I left the camera in the office so I grabbed one of the ones they were lending to the people at the event, here is some of what I got, all lit with the Rotolight Aeos.

2018.01.31 Gavin Hoey Prison LR (1 of 1).jpg

2018.01.31 Gavin Hoey Prison LR (11 of 34).jpg

2018.01.31 Gavin Hoey Prison LR (32 of 34).jpg


Senior Member
Very nice shots! How did you like the Oly? I hope to add that lens this year...,

It was nice, very intuitive compared to the Sony and their menus. I shot exclusively on that lens and it was a great piece of kit ! I was shooting high in the ISO intentionally to add some grain and noise because of the scenario.


Senior Member
Great work, even if you are a cheating Olympus paramore?

Thanks !! As it was an Olympus based event I thought it would be rude for me to take my Nikon along, plus the fact I was there demoing the lights more than anything else I really didint plan on taking any footage except for BTS.

Turns out everyone loved the lights and after the questions I had spare time :)


Senior Member
Challenge Team
I just saw another photo of the prison on the ON1 site, that someone took probably while you were there. He said he used and OLY camera and LED Rotolights. And I think the same model. Ha!


Senior Member
Your pictures tend to prove the point that the photographer matters more than the camera brand. Heck, a good photographer can take good pictures even with a Canon, or a smartphone.


Senior Member
I just saw another photo of the prison on the ON1 site, that someone took probably while you were there. He said he used and OLY camera and LED Rotolights. And I think the same model. Ha!

That would have been us !! lol

We had 2 setups, they decided to do a floor with Rotolight LED's and a floor with flash, by the time we got to group 2 it was getting dark and I had to lend an Aeos to the flash floor so that they could get focus ...

I obviously stayed in the LED floor as I was there for questions and answers about the Rotolight products but we exclusively used the Aeos (even though I had the Neo 2 and Anova PRO 2 there :) )