I am not Worthy


Senior Member
Every Saturday morning my 7 ur old and I have what affectionately known as "Guy Time". We wake up and spend 1/2 to 3/4 of the day just the 2 of us.
Yesterday he and I stopped into Best Buy for a few minutes to look for movies and just to look around. While I had a minute I went and looked at the camera section and was able to p/u and look at the D7100.
I have come to the conclusion that " I do not process the necessary skills and knowledge to even consider such a body" It had more dials and features than I would ever know what to do with. I will just be content to utilize and master my D3200.
As for "Guy Time" it was a rousing success as normal. Next week he plans on us going to the action figure store. Please keep me in your thoughts next weekend, I may never get out of there alive.:beguiled:::what::


Senior Member
Never under estimate the 3200. My first camera was the 3100. The only reason I sold it was because of the size. My hand fit better in the 300s and d610. Otherwise I used my 3100 to its fullest. I do believe the 3200 has a little more things added since the3100.


Senior Member
DOn't give up on the D7100....plenty of us dummies have learned what the buttons do, and how to do them. There are several good books on learning to use the camera.


Senior Member
The D3200 is a very good camera, and I have took some very good pictures with it. (a few have been printed in the local paper)

Just got myself a D7100, at 1st it was in auto mode, but little by little I move the dials to see what they do, and refer to the manual if I get stuck.


Staff member
Super Mod
It's a bit overwhelming at first, but after 1.5 years, I think I've learned what some of the buttons/dials do.

Good luck next weekend.

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
Most of those dials and buttons don't do anything your D3200 can't do as well; the buttons and dials simply allow you to make those changes without having to menu dive. In many cases you can make adjustments without even having to pull your eye away from the viewfinder.

It ain't rocket surgery, it's a camera.


Senior Member
Most of those dials and buttons don't do anything your D3200 can't do as well; the buttons and dials simply allow you to make those changes without having to menu dive. In many cases you can make adjustments without even having to pull your eye away from the viewfinder.

It ain't rocket surgery, it's a camera.

I found it more confusing reading the instruction book, trying to adjust something on the camera, got the book out, look in the index, page 219 is what I needed,

so after reading page 219 it tells me to refer to page 187, so took me 5 minutes reading the book to work out all I had to do was press a button to fix the problem.


Senior Member
Sounds like you and your son have a lot of fun together. The memories of those times will be great for both of you down the line.

The features of the D7100 are worth every penny, IF you need and want those features. Meanwhile, the D3200 is a great camera. Win-win. That is all. :)