how do i stop email notifications


Senior Member
ive turned off all email notifications in my settings but still they come , can anyone tell me how too stop them please


Senior Member
You can go into your thread subscriptions, and set them to not email you when a reply is posted - Or un-subscribe from threads all together.

I don't know if you can change the default to not subscribe you to threads when you reply though.


Staff member
Super Mod
I set up a filter in my e-mail. All the notifications go to a folder and can be deleted easily. Doesn't mess up my in box.


Senior Member
Also, try here:

Set "Default Thread Subscription Mode" to be "Through my control panel only".

That will stop any new threads from emailing you when you subscribe (by replying I believe). You may still have to go to all the threads you have already subscribed to to shut them off individually, but I would just shut them off as you get an email from them because some will die on their own anyway.