Hi from Perth, Western Australia


New member
My name is Bob, had an interest of photography in early 1970's, had a couple of camera's, Minolta SRT 101, Yashica Mat and an exlectro 35, dabbled with them a bit, but got married had kids and drifted away from it.
Around 10 years ago I was bought a Nikon D3000, Nikon SB 600, and a tripod. Never used it until I got it out of the box around 2 months ago, and it got my interest again, so I also got myself a Nikon D5100, and thought I will give it ago. I used to build and mend computers as a hobby, but looking at the D5100 it is a powerful computer in your hand, just got to figure out how to use it. Best place to start is a forum dedicated to Nikon
Thanks fro reading


Staff member
Super Mod

Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72ppi (Pixels Per Inch)

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.


Senior Member
Welcome! Feel free to contribute to the conversations and share your pictures!

My first DSLR was a D3000 as well! Either camera will do you well to start out! Enjoy!



Senior Member
Hi Bob, welcome! I started on a D3300, and now use a D5500. Terrific kits for the price, both. Hope you enjoy it here, and I'm looking forwards to seeing your pictures.


Senior Member
Welcome. Once you get your gear up and running, please post some pix. A visit to Western Australia is on my bucket list.