Hi- from Brighton


New member
Just a quick hello , my names Rory and I’ve been into my photography for as long as I can remember - I come from a family of photo enthusiasts. I’ve only owned a DSLR for 10 years approx and still have my D3100 to this day and use it as my main camera. I’d class myself as an experienced amateur if that makes sense. I am passionate about nature and travel - my reel is 90% full of sunsets and the ocean! I’m not a fan of editing - never used any software or even shot in RAW - I’ve got complete faith in letting the light work it’s magic! Too many other hobbies and interests to list, but you’ll see some of these in my snaps :) Looking to upgrade my camera as it’s developed a fault - hence joining the forum. Looking forward to seeing everyone’s skills through the plethora of perspectives this hobby allows up to archive. I’ll post a link to my instagram for those that are interested, assuming it’s allowed. Cheers! Rory (Brighton, UK)


New member


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Super Mod

You might want to start a 365/daily thread here
- https://nikonites.com/project-365-and-daily-photos/

Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72ppi (Pixels Per Inch)

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.


Senior Member
Welcome. We will be happy to help you spend your money!:)

Do you have an idea of what you may want to get next? You are probably aware that the industry seems to be moving rapidly to mirrorless. Doesn't mean there won't be any support for the DSLRs, but there may not be any new DSLR models or F mount lenses released from now on.

I was reluctant to switch, but made an impulse purchase of a Z5 earlier this year, and I love it. The biggest problem right now is the selection of Z mount lenses. That is changing rapidly, but there are still some gaps in the lineup.

Whatever direction you decide to go in, there should be plenty of good advice available here.