Hello from the soggy Pacific Northwest


New member
Hello All,

I'm returning to photography after a longer than expected hiatus. Got my first "real" camera, a Ricoh Singlex, at a garage sale and I was hooked. I Entered the digital realm with a brand new D40 as a graduation present. Eventually, grad school and life got in the way and I stopped taking pictures for way too long. Recently my best friend got into photography and that inspired me to get back at it. I picked up a used D300s body for cheap so I can use all the lovely (and inexpensive) AI and AIs lenses. I love macro and wildlife photography, and would love to get confident enough to do some street photography. Looking forward to participating in the weekly and monthly photo assignments here. Thank you all for providing such a friendly forum. I think it is the best internet community I have ever come across.



Staff member
Super Mod

You might want to start a 365/daily thread here
- https://nikonites.com/project-365-and-daily-photos/

Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72ppi (Pixels Per Inch)

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.