Hello from Scotland, UK


Senior Member
Hi All,
I am a keen landscape photographer based in Scotland which is ideal for dramatic landscape photography given the ever changing weather (unfortunately that includes a lot of rain :().
I have been shooting Canon :eek: for decades (I guess nobody is interested in that gear I have :D ) but recently I acquired a D7100 and therefore decided to join this forum.
So far I have been very impressed with the D7100 and I am slowly in the process of adding lenses to use. I am now probably one of those rare breeds of people that use two systems but even at this early stage I can see advantages and disadvantages of both Canon and Nikon. Who knows, maybe one day I will jump ship and become a total Nikonite :playful:

I suppose I would be classed as semi-pro based on your forum criteria as I have been fortunate enough to sell some of my work via Getty Images. That is just an added bonus for me as first and foremost I do photogrpahy for the love of it and enjoy venturing to as many places as possible with my camera gear.
One thing I am unsure of where I stand should I post one of my images on this forum that I have with Getty. Recently I had to sign authorisation for Getty to legally pursue a company in China that were illegally selling 'hundreds' of copies of my pic. That goodness I didn't have to appear in China:dread:.

I look forward to learning from you all.



Staff member
Super Mod

Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72ppi (Pixels Per Inch)

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.