Hello from Cape Town


New member
In true mom style I bought a camera, Nikon D3200, that would allow me to take good sports day photo's.
I had no idea I would fall in love with the art of taking a good photo (might even get it right one day ...)
I have learned so much from reading the forums as a guest - thanks to Google for introducing us!
You guys always have the answers I'm looking for, so I figured it was time to join.

:distracted: Looking forward to what may come.


Senior Member
Welcome to the club!!! Hope you enjoy the forum as you enjoy shooting with D3200.

Enviado desde mi RMX1931 mediante Tapatalk


Senior Member
Welcome! Great to see you here, and I likewise am looking forwards to see your pics now that you've joined. The D3200 is a great starter camera (I started with a D3300 not long ago). Enjoy!


Staff member
Super Mod

Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72ppi (Pixels Per Inch)

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.