Hello Everyone


Senior Member
Hello everyone! I am new to the Nikon world all together. I am currently using a Nikon Coolpix L330 that I just received for Christmas. I had started off in 2010 getting into photography but put it down cause I didn't feel like I was "good enough" but I have recently started getting back into it after many encouragements from close friends saying that I had good work. Trying to master this camera so I can work my way up into the DSLR world. I have a lot to learn....so far the L330 is pretty good. Lots of different settings on it, the only thing I don't care for is the fact that you don't have a view finder just the digital screen. I have a hard time holding it steady long enough to focus it for some of my pictures which can cause a blur. I am trying to figure out how to do an anti blur on it. Not sure if I can. Other then that I would say it's a great starter camera, very light and compact. I just had a baby 3 months ago and I absolutely love taking photos of her. I have done some of animals and nature as well. Hope everyone has a great day!
Welcome, now explain the name. I love dolphins too.



Senior Member
Not having a viewfinder is a bit of a pain, you can't beat the Mk.1 eyeball. I think its important to remember that there's many, if not most people who like photography and don't think they're good enough, (for what, i'm not sure) me included. You're not alone in that sentiment. If you enjoy photography, persevere, learn from your mistakes, and take the good with the bad. Welcome along.


Senior Member
Thanks everyone!! I just made a Flickr account and put my old stuff on there. You can check it out at https://www.flickr.com/photos/129511714@N03/. Don I got the name Rea (pronounced Ray) by my friend from the 3rd grade. My maiden name is Rachelle Elizabeth Austin, she took my initials and combined them together so that's how I got that nickname. My family still calls me Rea. Enjoy my photos and thank you for making me feel so welcome. I'm striving to become a professional photographer and hoping to start my own business one day.


Senior Member
Welcome to Nikonites, Rachelle. I'm sure you'll love it here, and learn from it.

As for taking blurry photos.....your camera should have provision to attach a tripod to it...at the very least a monopod, which will give you the stability you need to take sharp photos.highres-Nikon-Coolpix-L330-12_1391089352.jpg

See the screw hole to the right of the battery door? That's where you attach a tripod or monopod to.

Also, when you get a few moments to yourself, flip through your Owners Manual. Lots of useful information in there on how to get blur free photos, the right memory cards to use, etc.

Enjoy your new camera, take your time, ask questions, but most of all...have fun! :) Oh, and don't forget to register your camera with Nikon! :) And it wouldn't be a bad idea to register it with Lenstag - Protect your camera equipment, images and help make the world safer for photography on iOS, Android and the web. as well! :)
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Senior Member
Thank you!! That helps a lot! I will definitely register my Nikon today! I'm so happy to see people are willing to help on this forum, some of the photographers in my area not so much.


Senior Member
Welcome Rachelle. You have come to the exact right site help you with your photography. But you must do your homework. Learn your manual, and search our threads for specific questions you may have. And of course, post photos on the site for feedback.


Senior Member
Ron thank you! I am still learning how to use this forum. I have posted some photos, is there any specific places I should be posting them? Definitely doing my homework, the manual is pretty small so I am almost done reading it. I'm just taking things step by step.


Staff member
Super Mod
Ron thank you! I am still learning how to use this forum. I have posted some photos, is there any specific places I should be posting them? Definitely doing my homework, the manual is pretty small so I am almost done reading it. I'm just taking things step by step.

There are a lot of different threads for posting. You can do a search for a specific one or start your own daily thread. Here's the link for the 365 - http://nikonites.com/project-365-and-daily-photos/#axzz3NCqfXMDc