Hello, all


New member
Hello, everyone. Old Nikon guy here. I got a job at a daily newspaper in 1980. At the time, I had a pair of Olympus OM-1s. They were neat 35mm cameras with fine optics, but once I started using them daily, they just didn't last. The old veterans photographers (they would have balked at being called 'photojournalists') used the Nikon F2 and they had a closet full of Nikon Fs, so that's what I used until I purchased an FM and an FE and a SunPak flash. I've been a Nikon man ever since. I moved to the F3 a few years later and my last film Nikon was an F5, which I pull out from time to time just to admire it.

I'm not a collector, so as time passed, I traded my gear. All my old AI Nikkors are gone with the exception of a 180mm f2.8 I purchased in late 1980 (non-ED). It's just too nice of a lens to let go. In the late 1980s, I moved to the autofocus stuff by purchasing an 8008. By that time, though, I had moved away from newspapers and into medical photography, becoming a CRA (Certified Retinal Angiographer). That's someone who performs angiograms of the human eye, for Retinal Specialists, using a specialized microscope on a track, with an attached camera body to record the results, though I did have professional occasion to still use my 8008 and my old FE from time to time. In December, 1999 I ended this career. With the advent of digital cameras, I saw the handwriting on the wall. These MDs would no longer have need of someone who could shoot and push-process Tri-X and get them prints in under an hour, so I moved into the field of IT. As a going away present for myself, I purchased an F5. It's really a shame that the film era didn't last just a bit longer. My F5 still looks brand new, and that doesn't seem right, not for such a beautiful machine.

In 2006 I purchased a D80 and I have been using it for years but finally decided to get myself a full frame DSLR and purchased a D850. Unfortunately, I discovered that my beautiful AF Nikkor 20mm f2.8 has developed an internal haze, though my other AF Nikkors seem fine (except maybe my 35mm f2 which had exhibited the oil-on-the-blades problem, but shooting it now with the D850, it seems to have disappeared- hopefully).

My main purpose in joining is to ask about off-camera flash setups with Nikon speedlights, which I'll get around to doing in the appropriate section of the forum. I have occasion to do a bit of product photography, and that's probably the bulk of what my nifty new D850 will see. I am past prime for running around with a camera, trying to be Pete Turner or Ansel Adams.


Staff member
Super Mod

You might want to start a 365/daily thread here
- https://nikonites.com/project-365-and-daily-photos/

Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72ppi (Pixels Per Inch)

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.


Senior Member
There are a number of us who cut our teeth on film cameras and then moved on to digital. I suspect the newer crop of photographers will have a better grasp of modes and software, and the old school folks will have a better grasp of the mechanics of photography.

They both have their place.
