Focus Stack Image Preview


Senior Member
So I sometimes shoot macro photography and wanted to try out the focus stacking now that I finally have a camera with that feature. Unfortunately, the option remains grayed out and I can't use it. I can't figure out why so there must be something I'm missing. If anyone can help me out that would be great.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Focus Shifting (Nikon's version of Focus stacking) can't be combined with a lot of other features. There's a list in the manual. The Date/Time has to be set on that camera for it to work.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Here's a refernce

From the reference manual:
"focus shift cannot be combined with some camera features, including movie recording, time-lapse movies, bracketing, the self-timer, long time-exposures (bulb or time photography), HDR (high dynamic range), multiple exposure, and interval timer photography"
