Fine art photos

Just wondering if there is decent money to make a living from selling fine art photos?

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To make any money at all you first have to have a NAME in photography. Second you would have to be a really great photographer and I mean way above average. You would also have to shoot subjects that are eye catching enough that people are drawn to them.

I sell a few prints but they are of local interest and I don't make a lot of money on them. Generally just enough to cover my time and expenses.

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
Just wondering if there is decent money to make a living from selling fine art photos?
I think you would need to define "decent money". I bring in more money than I spend selling framed prints through two local galleries that hang my work but it's not enough to live on by any stretch of the imagination. If you want to go this route you'll need to know how (or learn how) to matte and frame prints because there's no way you'll make money on this if you're paying someone to do that for you. You'll need to find, pay for and maintain gallery space and you'll need to know how to schmooze potential patrons. Bear in mind most people don't have a ton of money to spend on art to begin with and those that do can be difficult to separate from that money. Once you do successfully sell a framed print, most galleries will take 40%.


Senior Member
The key to making a living from selling prints is marketing, marketing and more marketing. @deafguy87, not sure where you are from since it's not in your profile, but I would suggest that you visit some galleries to see the quality of images that are selling. That will give you an idea of what you need to do.


Senior Member
Damn that's suck plus got a long time to learn to use the camera and processing the photos to make legit photos to sell

Seem like only the 1% of the photographers can make a living sell prints only

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