Filters on a budget


Senior Member
Guys i have a photography buddy who is looking for a few ND filters on a budget as she is unsure if she will like landscapes, she has used mine which are Kase but her budget wouldnt stretch that far.


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Super Mod
Ice aren't bad and are a good value for the money. They even offer sets of three: 3-stop, 6-stop, and 10-stop all for one filter size. Just be sure your friend buys the largest size diameter. She can always use a step-up ring which will allow any ND filter to be used on smaller diameter lenses. It's much cheaper to do that than it is to buy separate ND filters for every size lens. Typically 77mm or 82mm are the most common, but if her largest lens is 67mm in diameter, then that might be the best option coupled with step-up rings (which aren't expensive).

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
Guys i have a photography buddy who is looking for a few ND filters on a budget as she is unsure if she will like landscapes, she has used mine which are Kase but her budget wouldnt stretch that far.
You don't mention what sort of budget she has but the Hoya HMC line of ND's are very good. A medium size ND, say 72mm, will run about $35. When I shot landscapes I found myself using a CPL a lot more than I did ND filters, though, so a good CPL might be something to think about as well.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member,aps,162&sr=8-3

Here you go... This is a Cokin knockoff set... It'll fit all her lenses and gives her a complete set of ND filters to learn/experiment with... Once she determines which filters she likes and/or uses the most, she can upgrade the individual filters as needed... The Holder and the adapter rings to fit any lens are the same as in the $$$$ Cokin sets...

If after exploring her options between lenses that she uses, she wants a circular set, she'll know exactly what sizes and ND combinations to buy... If she decides she doesn't use/like ND filters, she can throw the whole lot in the trash and she hasn't spent a lot of money to learn.