feedbackplease: flowers on flowers


New member
much appreciate feedback on composition as well as technical details. My goal to show the beauty of these flowers, how lively they are, contrast of colours, shapes, sizes.
D7500, ISO500, 300mm, -0.3ev, f/11, 1/80, on tripod, cropped for front flower to be in the middle, was slightly off

f/11 to get most of the front flower sharp and still recognize the beauty of the flower behind.

what could I have done better? more interestingly?


  • DSC_7630.jpg
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Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
much appreciate feedback on composition as well as technical details. My goal to show the beauty of these flowers, how lively they are, contrast of colours, shapes, sizes.
Just my personal opinion but I think you could have strengthened the shot by isolating the foreground flowers. I feel the busy background strongly competes with the foreground, weakening the shot.

I know you want both, but I don't think you can have both elements so prominent AND the strongest possible shot.


Senior Member
I'll go the other way from Paul's comments and say I like the contrasting elements. It's an interesting composition, and I suspect you will get varying opinions since it's a little different from the mainstream.

The picture seems just a tad dark to me, at least on my monitor.

Great job!


Senior Member
Nice picture, arnim. To me the colors are what make this image, or rather, the colors are the subject. Well seen and done.

Just a suggestion, what do you think about cropping the bottom just a bit, so that the unopened bud and the green leaf are gone. To me they are an unnecessary distraction.

Other than that, excellent work, imho, and deserves to be printed HUGE. :encouragement:
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New member
thank you, what a privileged to get each of your time to provide some words of wisdom! what a treat to learn this way.

Paul, I see your point of DoF and tried with Affinity Photo to blur the background. It is a different picture and I see it's value too.

Woody, yes cropping also is something I should have considered due to the distraction you mention

Sparky, I am still struggling a bit to get the right level of enhancements going. My goal so far is to take as good as a picture I can and leave editing tools aside to an extend, but I have learned that raw is simply not enough, it needs at least some level of "development"

much appreciated



Senior Member
In my opinion, it is under exposed and has too much depth of field. With F4 or close it wouls have blurred the backround but left the beautiful contrasting color. I also agree that cropping the bottom would also be an improvement.


Senior Member
.............Sparky, I am still struggling a bit to get the right level of enhancements going. My goal so far is to take as good as a picture I can and leave editing tools aside to an extend, but I have learned that raw is simply not enough, it needs at least some level of "development"...........

While a 'getting it right in the camera' goal is admirable, sometimes it's just plain impossible. If you have a scene with 5 stops of dynamic range, and your camera sensor is capable of capturing 9 stops, your image is going to look flat no matter what. I see no shame in acknowledging some short-comings in one's gear and using post to correct for it.