Easy panorama p520coolpix

Mateo Krmek

New member
Hey guys, first sorry if it's in the wrong section of the forum. I've recently bought p520 camera and I've tried "Easy panorama" feature, and my problem with it is if I don't do the full line the rest of the line is gray. I would like to know if it's possible to do panorama without really doing the full line like for example on iphone. Hence I'm really a newb with this :)


Senior Member
Howdy and welcome to Nikonites!

I'm not familiar with the p520, but I suspect you'll get some helpful answers soon!

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Staff member
Super Mod

Are you doing an in camera panorama? Have you tried looking in the manual or YouTube?

Mateo Krmek

New member
It's a scene mode in camera, I've looked at youtube, and in most of them pictures come out without grey stuff.. but in 1 video i've noticed little gray but 0 explanation of how to remove it.. I'll upload a sample picture later today when I get time