Do not buy one of these lens kits!


Senior Member
So, I was surfing ebay - found the AnyDacia SAD-N728, boasting it just screws on the end of the existing lens and x7 the length. even the video on youtube makes it out to be super clear and easy to use! pft!

instead of just moaning about this I have conducted tests all with manual settings (will not work with auto properly)

sad-728.JPGnikon sad.jpg10mm field.JPG10-30mm field.JPG30-110 field sad.JPG10mm tramp.JPG10-30mm tramp sad.JPG30-110 sad tramp.JPG

SO! 1, the SAD-728 kit.
2, My J1 with the SAD-728 - looks like half a binocular :rolleyes:
3, view from window over a field at 10mm on normal 10mm-30mm Nikkor 1 lens.
4, 30mm with SAD-728 over field
5, 110mm with SAD-728 over field
6, 10mm at trampoline (normal lens)
7, 30mm with SAD-728 at tramoline
8, 110mm with SAD-728 at trampoline

This was done with a tripod and shutter remote control! lenses used Nikkor 1 10-30mm lens & Nikkor 1 30-110mm lens.

It was seriously difficult to even achieve these results! I had to take about 50 photos in total, these are the BEST results!

to top it off I parted with £78 on ebay, then £27 customs charges when it got stuck at UK customs for not having an invoice attached.

This is money down the drain, I cannot sell this piece of rubbish on to some poor unknowing person..

the other lens in the kit is a macro lens - this is okay, very cheap and plasticy but works!

Please don't fall for it! :p unless you're an idiot and believe everything you read on ebay..

thanks, Scott.


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Senior Member
I think the price and overall look of thing would have put me off ever buying in the first place. Also, considering it was being posted from outside the EU, did you not think about UK Customs & Theft charges ?


Senior Member
I thought I might get a grilling :p

Well, I thought I'd post my booboo on here so no-one else makes the same mistake..

This is why I have joined a forum and asked some questions to guys that know.. :)

Thanks, Scott..


Happily retired
Staff member
Super Mod
Thanks for your honesty Scott.

You've been had and hopefully your post will prevent some poor guy to get caught too.

Miracles don't happen that often. Good lenses are expensive to manufacture and you usually get what you pay for.