Deleting pictures in slot 2


New member

I have set the camera for RAW in Slot 1 and JPEG in slot 2. When I delete pictures on the camera it only deletes the RAW pictures in slot 1 and not the slot 2 pictures. Any advice will be welcome


Senior Member
Challenge Team
I don't delete pictures but format the cards in camera. Check your manual on how to accomplish it on your 750.

And Welcome to the site!

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member

I have set the camera for RAW in Slot 1 and JPEG in slot 2. When I delete pictures on the camera it only deletes the RAW pictures in slot 1 and not the slot 2 pictures. Any advice will be welcome
You can scroll through the shots on the card in Slot 1 and then, if you keep scrolling, you'll then roll over onto the shots stored on the card in Slot 2. When you do roll over to slot 2 you'll see the number sequence go from, say, 5 of 5 (on Slot 1), back to 1 of 5 (on Slot 2).

If you just want to delete shots on the card in Slot 2, I'd suggest you pop out the card in Slot 1, delete whatever shots you want and then, when you're done, replace the card in Slot 1. There are other ways to selectively delete photos but you have to pay attention to what card you're on. Obviously, removing the card from Slot 1 prevents accidental deletion of photos on that card.

Hope that helps...


Senior Member
Instead of deleting images, format the card. That cleans up the File System apart from deleting the images.

In general unless you run out of space in a card (even with a 32GB card you will run out of battery before the card fills up) it is best to retain the images and delete after reviewing them in the computer. That does prevent inadvertent deletion of images you did not want to delete.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
I'm 70 years old. I owned one of the first PCs made. In all my years as a wonk, I've seen more people frustrated and more damage done because someone thought they needed to "delete" something.