Daz's 52 in 2016 !!


Senior Member
Daz's monthly what am I up to photos!!

So this is my first time attempting something like this !

Here is what my 52 will consist of :

WEEK 1 Portrait: Self Portrait Start things off right with a "selfie"! Explore the self-timer setting on your camera.
WEEK 2 Landscape: Traditional Shoot a beautiful landscape and share it with the world. Find a nice foreground and don't forget the sky.
WEEK 3 Artistic: Red Shoot whatever inspires you. Red should be the focus of the image. Don't be afraid to be creative.
WEEK 4 Portrait: Headshot You shot a selfie, now shoot a "selfie" of someone else!
WEEK 5 Landscape: Black and White Look for a scene with great contrast that will make a great black and white.

WEEK 6 Artistic: Candy Your artistic interpretation this week should be inspired by something sweet. A great chance to play with macro photography.
WEEK 7 Portrait: Faceless Tell someone's story without showing their face.
WEEK 8 Landscape: Panorama This is a great opportunity to explore panorama stitching and create a wide sweeping landscape.
WEEK 9 Artistic: Shadows The opposite of light is dark, the absence of light is shadow. Interpret this into a masterpiece.
WEEK 10 Portrait: Environmental Show a subject in their natural habitat. Their place of work or hobby is a great start. Tell their story with the environment

WEEK 11 Landscape: Reflection Find a way to show your landscape/natural beauty in reflection. The mirror world revealed.
WEEK 12 Artistic: Transportation Our world is one defined by how we get around. Literal or interpretative, find inspiration in transportation.
WEEK 13 Portrait: High Key Expose to the right and create a light, airy high key portrait.
WEEK 14 Landscape: Zoomed in Most landscapes are wide sweeping images. Try an alternative and zoom in instead.
WEEK 15 Artistic: Metal Cold, hard steel. Shiny Aluminum. Or even rusted and broken down. Find your inspiration in metal this week.

WEEK 16 Portrait: Movement Most portraits are stationary, so this week explore adding some movement. Dancing, twirling, or even hair flips.
WEEK 17 Landscape: Urbanscape Most Landscapes are wide open spaces of natural beauty... this week find the beauty of the urbanscape/cityscape.
WEEK 18 Artistic: Texture The artistic inspiration this week is texture. You should almost be able to feel the image.
WEEK 19 Portrait: Messy Take an amazing portrait of someone, make a mess while you are doing it.
WEEK 20 Landscape: Night Owl A tripod is going to be handy this week... time to shoot a night landscape. Look for some light for the scene! Car lights, city lights, or maybe just moonlight.

WEEK 21 Artistic: Fantasy Is this real life, or is this just fantasy... Your artistic inspiration this week is fantasy.
WEEK 22 Portrait: Hands Usually the face is the strongest element in the frame; with the hands being second. Make the hands the most important element in your image this week.
WEEK 23 Landscape: Weather This week should be as unpredictable as the weather! Feature the weather in this week's landscape.
WEEK 24 Artistic: Sparkle! Shoot what inspires you this week, just make sure it sparkles.
WEEK 25 Portrait: Silhouette Expose for the background and let your subject fall into shadow. Shape is important this week.

WEEK 26 Landscape: Simplify Simply the scene to make your primary subject stand out.
WEEK 27 Artistic: Blue You were inspired by the fiery red earlier, now be inspired by calming blue.
WEEK 28 Portrait: Family Whether it's the family you are born with or the one you choose, show the world what family is to you.
WEEK 29 Landscape: Waterscape Ocean, lake, river, pond, or puddle. Make water the primary subject of this landscape.
WEEK 30 Artistic: Patterns Get inspired by the rhythm that patterns bring to your images.

WEEK 31 Portrait: Street Candid Candids on the street, show us life in your town through the lens.
WEEK 32 Landscape: Colorful Shoot a landscape that packs as much color as you can find into the scene.
WEEK 33 Artistic: Collaboration Doesn't matter what you shoot, just do with another artist. Share vision and ideas. Collaborate.
WEEK 34 Portrait: Child Candid or posed, capture an image of a child. Try getting down on their level for a unique perspective.

WEEK 35 Landscape: Nature up Close Get up close and personal with nature in this natural beauty shot. Flowers, bees, bugs and spiders might all make great shots
WEEK 36 Artistic: Food Take your food photography to the next level. It’s not lunch, its art.
WEEK 37 Portrait: Fashion Avant-garde to commercial to traditional, and everything in between. The focus is the clothes this week.
WEEK 38 Landscape: Get Low Time to look at the world from a different angle. Shoot a landscape from a low point of view.
WEEK 39 Art: Handmade Your artistic interpretation should be inspired by another artisan's handmade work. Literal or interpreted.

WEEK 40 Portrait: Sitting in a Chair Either a formal sitting portrait or a re-interpretation of this classic. Photography your subject sitting in a chair.
WEEK 41 Landscape: Get High Everything looks different when you are high. Find a high perspective to shoot this landscape.
WEEK 42 Artistic: Minimalist Isolate your subject using the minimalist approach. Inspire someone with your art.
WEEK 43 Portrait: The Elderly Tell the story of an elderly person through the power of your camera. Capture the lines of their life.
WEEK 44 Landscape: A Tree Some of the most famous landscapes in the world feature a tree. Time to see what you can do.

WEEK 45 Artistic: Nostalgic Use nostalgic as your inspiration this week. Long for the moments we want recapture. The good times.
WEEK 46 Portrait: Backlit The sun makes a great back light, as well as a flash. Don't forget the fill light. A flash or reflector can be used to fill in the subject.
WEEK 47 Landscape: Abandoned Capture an image of that which others have forgotten. It may be the last image before it’s gone from us forever.
WEEK 48 Artistic: Bokeh A shallow depth of field is often used to isolate the subject. Create an artistic interpretation using shallow depth of field.

WEEK 49 Portrait: Dancing Whether it's a professional dancer, or just some kids in the street. Try experimenting with slow and fast shutter speed to both blur and freeze the subject.
WEEK 50 Landscape: Symmetrical Often considered one of the hardest compositions to pull off, Symmetry. Challenge yourself this week by shooting a symmetrical landscape/urbanscape.
WEEK 51 Artistic: Art It is time to really challenge yourself. Your artistic interpretation should be art, about art. So meta.
WEEK 52 Portrait: Another Self Portrait For your final challenge, we end where we started. Take one last self-portrait, and be amazed at how far you have come in a year.

Wish me luck !!
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Senior Member
Challenge Team
Good luck! You have set yourself some interesting goals to meet. Looking forward to seeing your photos for this.

I hoped they would set up a new sub-forum for the 2016. If they do, they can always move the threads to it as they did last year. Ha!


Senior Member
Good luck! You have set yourself some interesting goals to meet. Looking forward to seeing your photos for this.

Thanks, I saw it and thought there would be some challenging ones, to start with I was going to pass it up but there are a few that will push me out of my comfort zone and that is what I need, going to start from next week, ill probably do the first shot this Sunday

Good luck with that,the subjects and timing would be too specific for me

Thanks Mike, I need to push myself !

Good luck Daz, some interesting subjects.

Thanks, I think it will be a great set, I am going to try my best to hit this all !!

Good luck @Daz



Senior Member
WEEK 1 Portrait: Self Portrait Start things off right with a "selfie"! Explore the self-timer setting on your camera.

I don't do in front of the camera !!

I thought I would go for some harsh light, and only one soft box at a 90 degree angle

Self portrait-1.jpg

This week I am going to be looking at Landscapes:

WEEK 2 Landscape: Traditional Shoot a beautiful landscape and share it with the world. Find a nice foreground and don't forget the sky.

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Senior Member
Well it is Sunday and it is time to get Week 2 on the board !!

It has been a busy day today, I was doing photos of a Car Meet this morning, then off to do my landscape below and then off to a
Cemetry for a few creepy night shots, only just got back to edit this up ...

So without further ado, here is week 2:

WEEK 2 Landscape: Traditional Shoot a beautiful landscape and share it with the world. Find a nice foreground and don't forget the sky.

This was the first time I have ever used a Variable ND Filter and a pretty cheap one at that.

This is the Severn Bridge taking you from Bristol into Wales :

Severn Bridge (1 of 1).jpg


Senior Member
Just as a bonus I went to Clevedon Pier which is about 30 mins from the photo took above, here is a bit of Photo stacking (51 images to be precise) to get the cloud movement.



Senior Member
Im a couple days early with week 3 ! Due to just finishing up the shoot with the client and it fitting the theme ...

WEEK 3 Artistic: Red Shoot whatever inspires you. Red should be the focus of the image. Don't be afraid to be creative.

Artistic Red ... This is a toughie, especially with something that inspires me !!

I couldn't think of anything red that really inspires me (Or can be made red) so I went for something that would be Inspirational and that was the persons passion for his car ...

Without further ado, here is week 3 :

2016.01.15 Alex Mills Volkswagen Beetle watermark (17 of 36).jpg
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Senior Member
WEEK 4 Portrait: Headshot You shot a selfie, now shoot a "selfie" of someone else!

This week goes back to last week, not done much shooting this week except for some landscapes so here is a self portrait from last weeks shoot :)

Week 4 Self Portrait (14 of 1).jpg

WEEK 5 Landscape: Black and White Look for a scene with great contrast that will make a great black and white.

I have a few ideas for this one !! I have a shoot up in the Brecon Beacons for some Astrophotography at the end of the week :D


Senior Member
This one is going to be up tomorrow, I have 3 shoots planned for tomorrow so hopefully I get a chance to get my gear for this project too :)


Senior Member
WEEK 5 Landscape: Black and White Look for a scene with great contrast that will make a great black and white.

So for this week I had a thought I wanted to find an Abandoned Building/Area and this was a lot harder than I thought in Bristol UK

Well a lot of research later I came up with this little gem !!

abandoned building (1 of 1).jpg

And here are a few extras from the visit, im looking forward to going back there !!

abandoned building (15 of 9).jpg

abandoned building (17 of 9).jpg

abandoned building (21 of 9).jpg

Onto week 6 which is Artistic: Candy Your artistic interpretation this week should be inspired by something sweet. A great chance to play with macro photography.



Senior Member
WEEK 6 Artistic: Candy Your artistic interpretation this week should be inspired by something sweet. A great chance to play with macro photography.

I am cheating a little bit with this one and going back to a photo I took last year, but there is a very poignant meaning to me as to why I have gone back which I shall explain.

Jodie is a beautiful young girl who has various ailments that has meant she is severely handicapped, the doctors said she wouldnt make it past 20 years old so to be asked to be there and document her 30th party was a very big deal for me and I really wanted to do her mum Sharon proud.

She put on an amazing party for Jodie and a lot of fun was had by everyone there, I captured lots of macro and close up shots for her mum as she is into scrapbooking, I was so grateful to be there and to get her the shots she wanted I didnt ask for a payment, it didnt seem right to me, I just wanted to show my respect for not only Jodie for being a fighter but also to her mum for keeping up her strength all these years.

anyway enough of my rambling, here is my shot and a photo of the birthday girl too !!

Jodie birthday (1 of 1).jpg

Jodie birthday (1 of 1)-2.jpg

So it is onto week 7

Portrait: Faceless Tell someone's story without showing their face

I have a portrait session with a Musician tomorrow so I have a few ideas in mind for this week to incorporate into the shoot



Senior Member
week 7

Portrait: Faceless Tell someone's story without showing their face

My Musician got ill so I have had to put that on the back burner, I have just got back from a little town called Pill and some sunset shots, here is a shot of me, the story I was trying to capture was the being in awe of the colour in the sky ...

2016.02.14 Pill sunset (1 of 1).jpg

WEEK 8 Landscape: Panorama This is a great opportunity to explore panorama stitching and create a wide sweeping landscape.

This is going to be a challenging one, I haven't done any stitching yet ...


Senior Member
WEEK 8 Landscape: Panorama This is a great opportunity to explore panorama stitching and create a wide sweeping landscape.

This is the first ever time stitching photos together and I can see the issues at the "Stitch" points, looking back at this if I was to do it again I would stitch Portrait shots to make a landscape instead of taking a few landscape photos.

Uploading straight to here was being a pain so these are linked from Flickr

As a plus I have taken this "Normal" photo and cropped it down to make it a panorama


This week is :

WEEK 9 Artistic: Shadows The opposite of light is dark, the absence of light is shadow. Interpret this into a masterpiece.

This is going to be a hard one !! I have NO idea where to start !!



Staff member
Super Mod
Now that you've mastered panoramas, why not enter this weeks challenge? You have until tomorrow.