D7200 Viewfinder vs. D610


Senior Member
Hey all! I am looking to upgrade my D5300 body. A great camera by all rights, but I once owned a D610, and that pentaprism viewfinder seemed to make a world of difference on brightness and ease of use.

Those of you who have, or have had many bodies can confirm that I will probably be happy with the D7200?

And why a 7200? Well, I am trying to keep costs down by not going with a 7300.

But it's all about the viewfinder. If I have to, I will be happy to go back to a full frame body.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
I’m not sure the viewfinders are particularly different from 1 model to the next in the current Nikon line… I certainly don’t noyice a difference between my D200, D300, D600, and D810,,,

I’ve certainly never heard of someone complain about the brightness or lack of brightness in the D7200…


Staff member
Super Mod
The biggest difference for me between the D610 and D7200 is the focus points are a little larger and more spread out in the D7200 viewfinder. I haven't noticed any difference in brightness though.


Senior Member
i do not see a difference in screen brightness between my d7100 and d610, i do see a difference in the brightness of the info below the screen.