D700 replacement?


^ broke something
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Has anyone heard of the D700 being replaced in 2010?


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Senior Member
Aaarrghhh... don't go there! I'm going broke chasing the technology advancements. Personally, I love my D700 and plan to wear it out before I even consider the purchase of it's replacement. And, if I do it will be a "major" investment for me to step up in MPs. Actually, I have heard rumors about an upgrade/replacement but nothing solid to really think about.


New member
D700s. Nikon are currently doing a promo giving away free battery grips with all D700 purchases indicating they are trying to shift a huge amount of stock because once the new model is announced, no-one will be buying the D700, they will wait for the replacement. D3 came out, then D3X and then D3s with Video. Then D300 and now D300s. So my money is on the D700s


New member

Don't chase the technology! Unless someone comes up with a quantum leap in technology, why waste the money?

Use the D700 until it falls apart and then upgrade. I used to work for a firm who bought a bunch of D1h cameras for work and they were only 2.1mp sensors. We had employees screaming for the then latest D2xs and the D1h models still worked perfectly. The company manager finally came out and told the assembled employees that we could have all new D2xs cameras or a raise that year. Guess which one the majority of employees went with? The detail enlargements weren't as technically nice as they could have been, but they were completely serviceable.

My D3 has been surpassed by the S and the X models. I refuse to sell it for about $2,500 [I paid $4,995] and then sink about 5,000 more of my dollars into a new X model. The D4 is probably in testing right now and the D5 is likely on a drawing board in Japan.

A new 400mm super-telephoto lens would bring me far more joy than a new body with more mp and a higher ISO than I am likely to ever use.

I still use my F3 that I bought in Hong Kong back in 1980/81 and it beats my D3 for enlargements and color reproduction.


New member
sorry to disappoint anyone, but I work a camera shop and nikon rep's told us there is no full frame model scheduled for release this year


New member
haha i just realised that this site is american based, so the post i made above may not apply for you. Applys for uk


Senior Member
Has there ever been a Nikon "new release" in the U.S.A.? As I recall I can't think of anything off-hand that wasn't first introduced in Europe/Asia.


Senior Member
The local Nikon rep says she doesn't think there will be a replacement this year.

My take on it is..... When there is a successor to the D700, image quality will be exactly the same, possibly a lower ISO (ISO 50?) which i would really welcome. Also 2 CF card slot and maybe video. (Which i don't care for on a DSLR)

They can't make it much better than that or no one would buy a D3s.


New member
people would still buy the D3s, as both cameras are aimed at different consumers. Because of that, the resolution of the sensor will increase as well so that they'll have a body greater than or equal to the 5D mark 2
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Richard Barry

New member
I think the point about the D700 challenging the D3 models is valid... That said, the D700 is bound to be upgraded to include video. What model that will manifest in is anyone's guess but likely to be a D700S I assume.

Nikon will want to surpass the Canon equivalents and currently all my Canon-using friends are hailing their ability to shoot HD film (which looks amazing BTW)... The D90 is a toy, so the duty should fall to the D700 and fix up the current disparity between Canon and Nikon.

I'm keeping my 4k plus in the bank till the next D700 iteration comes out. I simply cannot see the big N allowing Canon to lead the pack much longer.

Oh and as for Nikonites... I've only recently signed up and have been greatly enthused by a forum that's

a) Not charging for 'advanced' use
b) Isn't full of difficult to follow threads that go nowhere.

Nice job...


baby photographer, Perth, babies, newborn and family photography,
Creating Art With One Eye Closed


New member
saying the new D700 model would challenge the D3 is the same as saying the 5d mrk2 would challenge the 1ds, which it hasn't. They're both brilliant camera's, but there is still a border between the people who use it.


New member
And just because canon has a 21mp with full HD body where as nikon doesn't, doesn't mean canon are "leading the pack". These items are sold as Camera's and as a Camera i think the D700 is better. The sales we get at work reflect this as well, the D700 sells nearly twice as more than the 5D mark 2. Not a huge amount of people want HD movie in a DSLR, and those who know what they're doing don't just look for the highest pixel count


New member
I know this thread is kinda dormant, but I think the OP's question is more important now than it was before all the indicators pointed to no replacement this year. Thom Hogan has pointed out that the delay might mean something other than a D3s sensor in a "D700s". Perhaps people are drawn to pixels and video more easily than I would have thought, and this might mean Nikon wants to produce a 5DII killer. For me a 5DII was a dead duck at inception simply because it is plastic and it can't focus for beans. But I guess people are buying them. However, if the D3s will be the last camera with that sensor, then maybe I have to give up my favorite camera ever to get one. I want that sensor. I don't want to handle an extra 1/2 pound, and I don't want a larger camera. However, the D700 is so very good, just imagine a camera with an even better sensor. I'm waffling here. I am at a point where I would either get the extended warranty for my D700 (expires in a couple of weeks), or just get a D3s and be done with it. Here is a case where Nikon could offer some guidance. They could tell us if the D3s will be the death knell for probably the greatest sensor ever created so we could plan accordingly. The only choice for me would be to die with a D700 or cough up the cash for that big honkin' D3s. For my very small amount of "cash" photography a D3s probably makes better sense as it could conceivably last "forever", but I sure love the way my D700 handles, even without a 100% finder.


Senior Member
I wouldn't trade my D700 for a D3 even it was straight across as the camera differs very little in features. And I certainly won't waste my money on a D3s as I just don't agree with the hybrid camera concept. My money is on the D3x as I have a disease (known only in the DSLR world) called 'pixel envy' .... hopefully Nikon will still produce it when I can afford it sometime in the far distant future.


New member
Hey, Dave, I think with a little patience you can get your pixels with other Nikon bodies, and probably one in the D700 class. For me 4300 pixels wide is plenty plenty. But it is possible you will never see the D3s sensor again after the D4 comes. I like the idea of shooting with room light, although I often fail the white balance challenge. However, my NX2 knows how to fix my mistakes. I would like to see the day my flash is strictly for special lighting. I would rather have a D700 with a D3s sensor, but that appears to have been decided against by Nikon.


New member
Agree with Merc, if they improve the d700 to a d700s model or a D800 this year, guess what will happen to the d3s.
I find my d700 equal if not just slightly better in image quality as my D3.


Senior Member
I just got my D700 in the mail today. Well, it's after midnight, so *yesterday*.

I've been waiting for a long time to see the D700 'replacement', and decided to just go ahead and get the D700 and get using it :)

I have no doubt that it'll be all I expected and more!