Created a new thread, but can't edit it


Senior Member
I just created a new thread to post IR shots... ...but it did not take the formatting I had in the original post. When I go to edit it, it just waits and I cannot connect. At the same time, the new thread does not show up in the New Threads window, so I have a feeling it's stuck in some sort of limbo state. Can a mod either fix it or delete it so I can start it again? Thanks.


The Dude
I noticed the side menu issue when I accidentally logged out and suddenly saw a bunch of new posts but when I logged back in they were all gone and I could only see the older posts.


Staff member
Super Mod
The problem with the new posts not displaying immediately (on the right) has been an ongoing issue for weeks--possibly even a couple of months. I noticed it a while back.


^ broke something
Staff member
Well, it's not really a problem, it's by design. The thread data is cached and only updates once every half hour (I actually just changed this from an hour). If it had to grab the data on every page load, we'd have a problem :)