Can you remote shutter release while on Af-c back button focus?

Brumble Buffin

Senior Member
First, thank you for this forum. My first post. My new camera is a D750, a real sweetheart. My questions:

1. Can you use the ML-L3 remote shutter release while the camera is set up for back button focus? I'll use AF-C and release priority.

2. Is there a reliable way to get the camera back to shutter button focus if you end up not liking the back button way?


Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Question #1 = Yes
Question # 2 = Yes. There are two Green dots on your camera. 1 on the left side, and one on the right side. Hold them both down at the same time for about 3 seconds until the LCD screen on top blinks. That resets your camera to the factory defaults of shutter button focus.


Senior Member
Hi Brumble, and welcome!

I see Fred has already answered your questions. I'll just add that I use the setup you describe in your question #1 with no problem at all. You're good to go.


Staff member
Super Mod
I set up U1 for Back Button Focus in Aperture Priority and U2 for Back Button Focus in Manual Mode with Auto ISO. When I'm in the normal Aperture Priority, it is set for the shutter button to focus. All I need to do is to switch modes to either U1 or U2 for Back Button Focus.


Senior Member
You could reset your camera to go back, but in my opinion, its better to thoroughly understand your menus so you can just confidently change back the settings involved. I keep a U set for shutter button focus only for if I need to hand my camera to someone to take a shot. At one time, I thought I would jump back and forth with bbf, but once you get used to it, it becomes second nature. Going back to shutter button makes me crazy and my thumb keeps pressing the bb because it has become so natural.


Senior Member
I set up U1 for Back Button Focus in Aperture Priority and U2 for Back Button Focus in Manual Mode with Auto ISO. When I'm in the normal Aperture Priority, it is set for the shutter button to focus. All I need to do is to switch modes to either U1 or U2 for Back Button Focus.
Thats an awesome idea. I'm hooked on bbf now that I got used to it tho.


Staff member
Super Mod
Thats an awesome idea. I'm hooked on bbf now that I got used to it tho.

There is always the option to set either U1 or U2 to have the shutter do the autofocusing if you want. It's a great way to quickly switch. I prefer using the shutter button to AF and am usually in AF-S, not AF-C. I have trigger thumb and trigger finger so it isn't that easy to constantly use my thumb for the back button. My D7200 stays in U2 constantly (BBF) since I keep my 300mm lens mounted on it. Otherwise, my D750 is set for the shutter to AF. I've already adjusted to switching between the two settings. But initially it took a little getting used to doing both.