Blue Bird of Happiness


Senior Member
Saw this Blue Bird and although I have lots of Blue Bird pics I had to grab the camera and take a shot. Some people say the Blue Bird is a symbol of happiness dating back in many cultures for thousands of years. I just needed a little of that right now. I have not posted much lately as 2015 had not been off to a great start. We have had to attend three family funerals this year including my Mother-in-law and a 26 year old cousin. After all that this bird just seemed something I needed to see. As soon as I took the shot it flew away. But like the family members we lost I will now always have the memories.

Now I need to get back to the therapy of shooting, as soon as I catch up on all the work I let go over the last three weeks.



Staff member
Super Mod
Sorry to hear about your loved ones. May you find some solace with your photography.

Nice shot...I have never seen a blue bird yet even though I'm within 3 hours of you. Maybe some day. ;)


Senior Member
@hark they used to be hard to find around here but in the last few years they seem to have made more of a comeback. I have had them nesting in my backyard for the last three years. And I see more and more in the parks I walk in around here. They are very picky about where they nest and they love meal worms. Great way to attract them.


Senior Member
@Alan, I have only ever encountered them a Meadows Of Dan, Virginia. Just the sight of them made me happy and I hope yours has done the same for you.


Senior Member
Thanks ever one. here are a couple of last years shots for the back yard. Feel free to post any Blue Birds you have.



Staff member
Super Mod
Thanks ever one. here are a couple of last years shots for the back yard. Feel free to post any Blue Birds you have.

View attachment 137083

BackdoorHippie once mentioned a bluebird house, and one day while shopping, I came across one. It looks like the one you have. I bought the one I saw, and while something is using it, I haven't seen which type of bird lives there. We get wrens in our wren houses, and we also have juncos, chickadees, and sparrows that come to the feeder--all of which are on the small side.

Is that a female bluebird in the house?


Senior Member
@hark the bird in the house is one of the young. They actually fledged the next day. The male is in the picture with it. The female is the one with the stinkbug in it's beak. You can see she is not quite as bright a blue as the male, but sometimes they are very hard to tell apart.

This is a shot of one of the young that was sitting on my deck. I had to take it through the window so I didn't scare it away.

If you want to read more check out the Bluebird society of PA Welcome to the Bluebird Society of Pennsylvania's Website - Bluebird Society of Pennsylvania's Website
