Black thick line on every photo


New member
Last Sunday when I was taking photos in a park, i noticed black thick line on top left corner in every single photo. Initially i thought ad a branch, and tried indoors and noticed the same.
I cleaned the sensor using the option in my D800 camera, then using a soft brush i cleaned the mirror.
Still i see it.
I googled and came to know that I need to send to Nikon dealer for repair. No idea how much would they charge.
So I just want to take a second opinion.


Staff member
Super Mod
I have no clue how much they'd charge. It would depend on whether or not the sensor is scratched or damaged.

If it's on the top left of your images, then if something is on the sensor (or if it is damaged), it would show up on the bottom right of the sensor when looking inside the body cavity.

Do you have a sensor loupe? That allows you to look inside with a magnified and lighted view. And if the problem only happens with the one lens, did you look at the rear glass element on the lens?


Senior Member
I had something similar happen with my D5100 maybe eight or nine years ago and the shutter had broken .... just out of warranty of course. I paid about $150 for Nikon to fix it, so these days you might estimate twice that or more if that's the problem.


Staff member
Super Mod
Just for clarification, you mentioned cleaning the sensor. So while you were in Mirror Up, you didn't see any evidence of the shutter showing on the bottom right? Sometimes when a shutter is broken, it's visible in Mirror Up.