Australian Documentary Shoot

Scott Murray

Senior Member
Well I thought I would post a bit of what is happening in the coming months. More of an adventure than an expedition.

Mid 2015 I was approached by a German film maker, after a few skype calls they offered me a position in a documentary which they are filming. It is based all over the world and Australia will be only a small section of it.
With out divulging too much I am pretty excited, although due to changes I miss out on a section that I would have loved to have been involved in. But would have me driving an extra 8000km's.

Here is a snippet from the documentary.

This is the story of a handful of dreamers, artists and scientists who, in a world of turmoil, point to the night sky for answers, hope and peace. Armed with hi-tech cameras, telescopes and camping equipment, these intrepid visionaries brave the elements, extreme climates, and dangers both natural and man-made. They are on a mission to gather spectacular images and to spread the word that peace and understanding between cultures and countries can be ours if we only look up to the one roof that shelters us all.

Here is the rough itinerary as it stands.

I will drive from Jabiru NT to Broome WA via the Gibb River road (if accessible).

In Broome I will meet up with another photographer and the film crew.

From Broome we will drive to Windjana Gorge. Staying 2 nights.

Then onto Halls Creek from Windjana.

Then Halls creek to Wolfe Creek

Here we will be staying 2 nights.

Then we seperate and I drive from Wolfe Creek to Jabiru.

Once it is underway I may have time to add to this but will most likely add a new post in the completed section.

Its going to be awesome.

Approx - 4000km give or take

Scott Murray

Senior Member
Wow Scott what an opportunity , hope all goes well and is great success , look forward to updates
Cheers mate, I am sure it will go well. I will need to stock up on SD Cards though, and CF cards. Still deciding whether to use my D800E for 4k timelapse or D600 for 4k timelapse. The D800E is alot better as the CF card processes way faster than a faster rated SD card. But I have less CF cards... Shopping time.


Senior Member
Sounds like a great adventure coming up Scott. I am sure you will make the most of it.

Will the doco be for German TV ? I hope we get a chance to see it also.

Scott Murray

Senior Member
Just had some further news not regarding this Doco.

A long time friend has been working with Angelina Jolie on here new film (Paramedic/support) he has offered to put my name in as interest for medic work or extra work on Game of Thrones and Vikings. How cool is that, not holding my breath but you never know.


Senior Member
Just think. I knew the great [MENTION=9753]Scott Murray[/MENTION] before he became famous! :cheerful: That is great news Scott and I'm pulling for you.


Staff member
Super Mod
Good luck Scott! Sounds like a lot of work, but fun and you'll be doing what you love to do - travel and shoot!