April's monthly assignment: Cars & Trucks


Happily retired
Staff member
Super Mod
April 2022Theme: Cars & Trucks

"Cars & Truck" This month's challenge is to get creative with a car or truck photo. All of you can find an interesting subject around you. It can be a shiny new one to an old abandoned relic. It's all up to you. Try to find and experiment with different angles and lighting situations. It can be your dream car or the one you wouldn't want in your driveway. Just be creative and enjoy your experience.

Photos must be taken between April 1st to April 30th 2022.

How you create it is up to you. The idea is to challenge you to think outside of the box. Be creative and artistic for this one. Set it up, stage it, enhance it in post processing, or just get lucky. Your creativity is limited only by your imagination.

cars & trucks.jpg


There ya go, let's get shooting! CREATIVITY/TECHNIQUE rules in this challenge, but there are a few guidelines:

1. Any photo submitted for a monthly assignment must be taken using a Nikon Camera!

2. All submissions must be taken during the month specified in the assignment thread and taken by YOU! (Please insure that EXIF is either posted with the photo or if it gets messed up, hold yourself to the honor system and add the minimum Exif data of the Camera used and the date the photo was taken to your post)

3. Obviously, for this challenge, your photo must have a topic of Car or truck
." Other than that, it's all up to your interpretation of the theme. Any photo will be accepted, SOOC or edited, doesn't matter.

4. Photos must be posted in this thread to be considered. Links to photos will not be considered an entry (In other words, no Flikr, Photobucket, or similar links)

5. Only THREE entries per member for each assignment. Please post entries separately (1 photo per post) and number the entry.

6. Entries will be judged by the number of likes received.

7. The top 5 shots will be displayed in a separate thread, and will be displayed in no particular order.

8. This is intended to be a FUN challenge. No critiques unless specifically asked. Also, please limit posts to just photos and brief descriptions/titles. Any comments/discussion should occur elsewhere, PLEASE.

As listed in other challenges, please note: NO CASH OR PRIZES will be awarded for this Monthly Assignment.

HAVE FUN, can't wait to see the results!

*To clarify times for start and finish of the assignment, it is 0000 UTC/GMT similar to the weekly challenges.



Staff member
Super Mod
Re: April's monthly assignment: Cars & Trucks

This assignment has begun!


Staff member
Super Mod
Re: April's monthly assignment: Cars & Trucks

I'll start

Nikon D7100
April 9 2022 1:56pm

Truck engine


Staff member
Super Mod
Re: April's monthly assignment: Cars & Trucks

Nikon AW110
April 25 2022 1:03pm

My Jeep got a boo-boo


Staff member
Super Mod
Re: April's monthly assignment: Cars & Trucks

Okay folks, this is the last week of April and only two entries. both mine.

Let's see some cars and trucks!!!


Staff member
Super Mod
Re: April's monthly assignment: Cars & Trucks

For what it is worth, I see his EXIF.

Nikon D7100
2022:04:26 13:10:12

Like I said, it may be there, but it doesn't always show up for ME.

I saw it on the first entry, but not the second. Same for Fred's, I see the first, but not the second.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Re: April's monthly assignment: Cars & Trucks

Same for Fred's, I see the first, but not the second.

Actually, I'm shocked that it even let me upload an image. I did it on a whim and have basically quit posting images here because the only way I can get it to upload is thru the gallery... and images uploaded to the gallery never show my EXIF... BTW... I see the EXIF on both images that I posted here. This site has become very very frustrating with images... I've turned off everything and changed and tested 4 different browsers to see what is affecting it...and I gave up... nothing worked... I don't have a clue why these 2 images worked... I'll try again tomorrow and guarantee nothing will work...:confused:

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Re: April's monthly assignment: Cars & Trucks

Thought I'd slip one last one in before this month ends, and while uploading images seems to be working for me...



Staff member
Super Mod
Re: April's monthly assignment: Cars & Trucks

Last day folks! Just under 5 hours left to submit your Cars/Trucks!!