Anco's 365 for 2015


Senior Member
Ok, so since I joined this wonderful site a few months ago, I've been wanting to do this challenge. The only problem is I can't see how I can possibly get it done with the amount of time I have left to myself each day after work and other commitments, but I guess if you never challenge yourself you just never know your own capabilities. So after much deliberation, I've decided to give it a trial run here at least for a month and see how it goes. The aim is to use this challenge to stretch myself, get out of my comfort zone and hopefully learn a lot in the process. In reality, I can't promise I won't just end up with 300 photos of my dog, but let's just give it a try and see what happens. :D


Senior Member
Best of luck Anco, don't give up, keep at it.

by the way up owe us yesterdays and todays pictures lol, get them up.


Senior Member
Jan 1st - Day 1/365

So I figure it might just be easy to start with introductions and get them out of the way. This is my lovely wife and my new little puppy Kaos. We spent new years day strolling through the botanical gardens in the city of Melbourne where we live.

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Senior Member
By the way if anybody reads this thread, can somebody tell me if there is a way to stop the images looking over sharpened when I add them to a post. I notice it in all the photos I upload. The pics are usually 1000px wide and when you click on the image and it expands they look as they are supposed to, but they all seem over sharpened in the preview (even when I don't sharpen them in pp). Thanks


Senior Member
Jan 2nd - Day 2/365

Continuing on with introductions, this is my cat Luna. This is about as active as it gets for her.



Senior Member
Jan 3rd - Day 3/365

This is the last member of the family, my cat Leo (the leopard). He is a bengal same as Luna above, but this one rarely sits still.


He is the one that is in my profile pic / avatar at 5 weeks old and he is almost 2 now.


Senior Member
Jan 1st - Day 1/365

So I figure it might just be easy to start with introductions and get them out of the way. This is my lovely wife and my new little puppy Kaos. We spent new years day strolling through the botanical gardens in the city of Melbourne where we live.

View attachment 131553

I love little Kaos. I remember you posting when you just got him. He's grown a bit, hasn't he?


Senior Member
By the way if anybody reads this thread, can somebody tell me if there is a way to stop the images looking over sharpened when I add them to a post. I notice it in all the photos I upload. The pics are usually 1000px wide and when you click on the image and it expands they look as they are supposed to, but they all seem over sharpened in the preview (even when I don't sharpen them in pp). Thanks

To me they don't really look over sharpened in the smaller version.


Senior Member
I love little Kaos. I remember you posting when you just got him. He's grown a bit, hasn't he?

Yeah, he's growing like crazy. I put some updated pics in the pets thread the other day. I just can't stop taking photos of the little guy, he's so cute.

To me they don't really look over sharpened in the smaller version.

It's only the first pic in this thread the other two are sized at 600px so they don't expand anyway. I guess I really only ever notice it in the animal fur and since a lot of my photos have been animals lately, it's something that I've started to notice. It doesn't really matter I guess.

Moab Man

Senior Member
All pictures with a lot of fine detail always look over-sharpened to me. I think it's just that you can't really compress a lot of fine detail very well.

Nice start. And it is hard to find the time. However, it forces us to get creative in photographing everyday things - perfume bottle, flower that you bought the wife, arranged M&M's in a pattern, etc... Then on the days where you have more time you can go in search of something bigger and better.


Senior Member
Thanks [MENTION=11881]Moab Man[/MENTION], it's probably just one of those over critical of your own work thing. You spend the time in post to get it looking right, then it compresses here and it no longer looks right.

Thanks for the advice, not sure I have enough nice things around my house to photograph, but I'll have to get creative and call it art ;) I already think I'm in too deep, seven photos a week would be no problem, but thats just not the same as one every day is it :(

Moab Man

Senior Member
Trust me, you have plenty to photograph. It takes training the eye to "see" things differently. The way the water collects on a windshield. The way frost coats a leaf. Play with lighting. My cell phone light was one of my best tools for shooting flowers in a dark room. Just remember, how can I show this (fill in the blank) in a different way. Low, high, different lighting, etc...

Anyway, I hope this helps and good luck with it.


New member
The responses here further exhibit the genuine humane nature of this forum's members & why I joined. Thanks to all you great folks.
Arico, keep snapping the pics of whatever catches ur eye/attention.
Sent from the Isles using Tapatalk


Staff member
Super Mod
The responses here further exhibit the genuine humane nature of this forum's members & why I joined. Thanks to all you great folks.
Arico, keep snapping the pics of whatever catches ur eye/attention.
Sent from the Isles using Tapatalk

Welcome 9ja.


Senior Member
The responses here further exhibit the genuine humane nature of this forum's members & why I joined. Thanks to all you great folks.
Arico, keep snapping the pics of whatever catches ur eye/attention.
Sent from the Isles using Tapatalk
Thanks 9ja and welcome to the forum. The people here are wonderful, very supportive and friendly, it's a great place to be a part of.


Senior Member
You've made a great start Anco :D You should cope with the first month easy enough :D It's the last months that are hard, after you've DONE everything close to home and start looking for more ;)


Senior Member
You've made a great start Anco :D You should cope with the first month easy enough :D It's the last months that are hard, after you've DONE everything close to home and start looking for more ;)
Thanks very much Vixen, your thread from last year was so amazing, I might have to peek at it from time to time for inspiration. ;)