Alcohol consumption post vaccination


Senior Member

Any idea as to how long one should abstain from alcohol after taking COVID vaccination. Googled, and still did not found any useful links :confused::confused:.


Senior Member
According to the NYTimes, moderate drinking is unlikely to impair the immune response to the Covid vaccine, but heavy drinking might.


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Super Mod
Both of my vaccines were given around 3:15pm, and I enjoyed a nice glass of white wine before dinner without any adverse effects. Nothing was mentioned about alcohol so I never even gave it a thought. My arm was immensely sore during the night and next morning after my first one so when I received my second, I put an ice pack on it 2 or 3 times before bed. It still hurt, but my arm wasn't nearly as swollen or sore as it was the first time. And when I say it really hurt the first time, I was surprised at how hard that area was at the injection site. :beguiled:


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Senior Member
You would like to think all important information should be handed to any person in receipt of a vaccine. Certainly for the Astrazenica vaccine which is being widely used in the UK, the only two pieces of advice I have heard is not to drive for 20 minutes and to take it easy for the rest of that day.
Interestingly the majority of people I know including myself that have had the above named vaccine felt very flu like for a few days, but the people that had the Pfizer had no symptoms after receiving same.


Senior Member
i had a drink too after mine, my only advise is dont change/alter your camera settings when drinking, you kinda forget what you did and may need @Needa 's help.. :rolleyes:


New member
I would recommend you not drink at all, especially after taking a vaccine. But if you really want and cannot do anything about it, I think that moderate drinking will not destroy you. Most people, however, experience some sickness after taking a shot. In this state, you will probably not want to drink another beer.
I have pretty strong opinions about alcohol because my father ended up in rehab like this one Removed link, which was not fun. Fortunately, they were able to help him, and now he’s sober for three months in a row. Still, I advise anyone to quit this bad habit.
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