Advice needed on filter kit purchase


Senior Member
I can't afford the high cost of the Lee system so can anyone recommend an alternative. I'm looking to start with a couple of ND filters then build up.


Senior Member
Frankly, with today's digital post processing, about the only physical filters you need are NDs and a polarizing filter. You might want to check out the Cokin system and some of it's knockoff filters.


Staff member
Super Mod
Your other option might be to get one or two screw in ND filters, but select them to fit your largest lens (the front filter size). Then you can use step-up rings to secure them to the lenses with smaller front elements. The only drawback is generally you can't use the lens hood that goes with each lens, but you do have the option to shade the front with a hat or hand. The screw on filters tend to be a better quality than some of the square plastic filters that fit in filter holders.

Step up rings aren't that expensive, but you'd be better off with something like 52mm→77mm (or whatever size fits) as opposed to the sets where you have to stack a bunch of step-up rings together. Those would move the filter further from the front element.


Senior Member
What kind of filters are you looking for? ND and polarizing or are you looking for some special effects? Cokin filters, as already mentioned, are good for special effects. I still use a few of my Cokin filters but they are some special effects stuff like a slight softening filter, which is very flattering for portraiture with women. One thing to keep in mind is that these filters are not coated and can cause flare.


Senior Member
In the Fall this year Liz and I are driving to the Arctic Circle in Yukon and NWT. The colours will be spectacular and the Aurora should be at it's best. I want to spend some time using ND filters for landscape shots before I go as I'm sure to need them on that trip. ND is all I'm planning on at the moment and, since we have between us a variety of lens sizes, I really think the "square" system would be best.