A/V Port/Cable requires a lot of jiggling


New member
I've been trying to get my D3300 to connect more consistently to computers, but it seems that either the cable or the port is breaking. I just ordered a new cable, but was wondering if people have experienced similar problems? I keep googling all sorts of terms to find answers but can't find anything.

What happens is, I will connect it to laptops/desktop computers via USB port with the cable that came with the Camera, and unless I have it held/propped in the perfect position, it disconnects constantly. You can wiggle it around and it will connect/disconnect every second.

Any solutions/suggestions?



Senior Member
Welcome aboard. Enjoy the ride.
We look forward to seeing more posts and samples of your work.

Will keep our fingers crossed that the cable is the problem, otherwise it has to be the camera port, which is a significant issue.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Why are you connecting it to a computer via the port? Not something as mundane as transferring images, I hope.

Take the memory card out and plug it into a card reader to transfer files. The memory card connection is a lot more robust than the cable ports...


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Super Mod


Senior Member
Howdy and welcome to Nikonites!!!

I would strongly suggest getting a good SD card reader for transferring images over to the computer from the card. Not only is it faster, but also less wear and tear on your camera.

If you need to stay connected, you might look at some of the TetherTools type of holders. You can either buy something from them, or get an idea to fabricate your own. You just want something to help secure the USB cable to the camera better.


New member
Awesome thanks for the suggestions. Totally forgot my wife's laptop has the card reader, and I ordered a $10 one on Amazon for the desktop. It's unfortunate that the USB cord port seems to be shoddy/unable to stay connected, but it definitely makes sense to use the card readers haha! Thanks.