30-Year Timelapse of NY skyline


Staff member
Super Mod
Someone in a local Facebook group shared this story of a relative. The guy has a setup that takes a NY skyline pic every 30 seconds and over the past several years has already accrued in excess of 4 million images. In one day, his rig takes 2,880 images (36 gigabytes of data daily). The article doesn't mention the model camera although it lists it as a Sony with no moving parts. After a few trials with less expensive cameras, this one has yet to be replaced.


Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Sony a7s is the model. Does he photograph anything else? Seems more like an obsession more than anything else... He stalked and bought the apartment to get one view??? Strange


Staff member
Super Mod
Sony a7s is the model. Does he photograph anything else? Seems more like an obsession more than anything else... He stalked and bought the apartment to get one view??? Strange

Apparently he does photograph other subjects. It's fascinating to see someone commit to such a long-term project. The view from his apartment looks to be magnificent. I certainly wouldn't mind looking out at it! ;)

This is his Instagram account:
