Search results

  1. J

    Soft Photo Issue

    Hi all, I posted earlier today on another category and it was suggested to post in the D7100 forum also. Since moving from my D5100 to a D7100 I've consistently taken pictures that appear slightly out of focus or soft. I've always just thought that I didn't have a good grasp on the more advanced...
  2. J

    Focus question

    Hi all, I've taken the plunge into trying to shoot in manual mode. I'm a beginner so this is a big step for me. I've noticed that sometimes my focus seems to be slightly off with faces. I was actually having a harder time in auto mode and it seems to have gotten better yet not perfect. I've...
  3. J

    DX Glass for use with D7100

    Hi All, I'm curious to see what others are using to shoot with on their D7100. Currently I have a 35mm 1.8G and the 18-200 VR lens. I find myself using the 35mm when I'm indoors, shooting pictures of my kids, etc. I've been using my 18-200 when I'm travelling or moving around where I'd like to...
  4. J

    Industrial equipment

    Still trying to figure this all out! Open to critiques. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. J

    New guy here!

    I came across this forum when searching for photography resources. I'm just a guy with a D7100. I know enough to know I'm still very much a beginner. But I try to have as much fun as I can. I've been trying out some HDR photography using my D7100 and photoshop. Here are a few pics. Josh...