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  1. D

    How many here are still shooting with

    Here is a bird shot from today.d3000.I cleaned my lense lightly and got a lot of noise out of the way that way.I am having a field day doing my exposure right becouse I like to use the medium and large photo settings.The weather has been crazy here lately.These crazy little birds won't hold...
  2. D

    How many here are still shooting with

    I finally made almost full use of my D3000 as far as I am concerned. I love the color range.Forgive the slight acne scars I was not wearing a lot of makeup in the hotish evening.I used the shot on large or medium.. copyrightOceanic
  3. D

    I figured out how to use my Dk5 eyecup,it's magnetic

    I figured out how to use my Dk5 eyecup,it's not too big after all. Like I thought.It's just fine.You have to slide it on after the eye piece comes off.Maybe it just feels magnetic.I don't know for sure..
  4. D

    My pet predicted the earthquake in Toronto

    He is a guinea pig variety,a skinny pig.I was in bed with him on my chest(obviously he was in a folded t shirt and hasn't been drinking his water bottle for at least an hour and a half;to reduce the chances of being peed on) around 3 am,and he didn't budge under my hand pressure,like he was...
  5. D

    My pet predicted the earthquake in Toronto

    I love him even more now:)It was so cute.I didn't know why the little animal was overlly clinging to my chest,so flat under my hand,like I abandonded him for 3 whole days without any affections.Then the shocker came,at 2,and I was,in bed.Little bubble..:)That picture was shot with a Kodak,in...
  6. D

    Canon Rebel and Nikon D60.

    P6000 with slightly shaky hands.Sorry,that's all I got so far..Minolta is nice,but I can't afford it,or even know where it is sold.Actually,Minolta is my third favorite,with Hasselblad being second,and Pentax and Cannon fourth.Becouse I like a nice silent image image.And if you have serious...
  7. D

    D3000 + Grip

    I've never seen that camera.It looks pretty cool.Anyways,I havn't had a chance to go to the mall.I've beent too sick,so I put a little piece of duck tape on the back of my camera where the eye piece is supposed to be.Of course,I was carefull not to get it on the lens and am not keeping it there...
  8. D

    Worst camera by Nikon

    I'm still surprised by this post.I realise it doesn't come with the finest available lens or equipment,but for the extra roughly 300 dollars from a nicer digicam,it's pretty friggin. cool.Look at this shot I took,it's a little blurry couse I moved it,but come can see the benefits of...
  9. D

    My shoulder is acting up today;so much so I took one of my baclofen pills

    I still have hope to shoot portraits over a rose background with dollar store scattered mini lights,with my very cudly pet,who just said hi,by the way,as my wrist pressed down on his full bottom as I was typing.
  10. D

    I never received the activation link for the website.

    Is there an activation link that gets sent in the email or am I being over imaginative?
  11. D

    Working in blaring hot sunlight for the first time.

    Will do.I know,it's just touch and go sometimes.Wanna see my lowest flash with a point one increment in exposure?This is on a cloudy but bright day.I should have left the exposure off,I took about 15 light blasted pictures.
  12. D

    Working in blaring hot sunlight for the first time.

    This is the Adobe7 or 9(not sure)optimized version of one of three usable shots I got.I don't know how to work this camera in blaring sunlight.Any tips?It was unusually bright. This one I really liked for the coloring after I optimized it,the ultra weird bright sun oversaturates..I kept the...
  13. D

    I'm here becouse I finally graduated from my P6000.

    I saved(scrounged) for around four months and finally have my first dslr.As a former acting student I must say it is cool.I put my P6000 on reserve for those sunny days when my shoulder hurts.
  14. D

    For the lower price,my D3000 provides very good fill for my photo hobby,but..

    Geez,ok,think of the word outline and add dimension to it after you process the whole thing in front of your eyes as a picture.However,today I went outside with it for the first time,and I could finally make out the full hills on my cheekbones,so it's a lighting and stillness issue,as it was a...
  15. D

    For the lower price,my D3000 provides very good fill for my photo hobby,but..

    I noticed that some of the images on certain settings lack depth,and I am sick of using my photoshop filters to nearly correct the problem.Which lenses or other add ons can help with this problem? I don't like to use the portrait setting becouse it's too unadjustable for shadows and...