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  1. Spottydumplings

    D7500 Viewfinder Grid

    Have you by any chance turned on the function to display the Virtual Horizon in the viewfinder? I believe that will stop the grid being shown.
  2. Spottydumplings

    Would you have to be mad...

    Thanks one & all; you have reinforced what I already thought. @wev; I would think that Nikon might be interested in hearing of the longevity of your shutter (obviously the opposite of a Friday afternoon car;)).
  3. Spottydumplings

    Would you have to be mad...

    Hi Guys/Gals, Would you have to be mad to buy a used D500 with a shutter count above 320K ::what::; even if the price was more than competitive?
  4. Spottydumplings

    D610 firmware upgrade blues

    If you download and install either of the free Nikon applications, ViewNX-i and/or CaptureNX-D, Message Center will be installed as well. It's where you will find out about updated versions etc.. I have had a look for an earlier version for your camera and there does not appear to be one...
  5. Spottydumplings

    Real world Sigma 50-500 vs Tamron 150-600 user feedback

    I cannot comment on the Tamron but I do have a Bigma and I have to say that I like it (a lot). The image that I have attached is straight out of the camera; via ViewNX2 - it was shot raw and all that I did to it was export as JPEG and resize to 1000 pixels on the long side. As you can see from...
  6. Spottydumplings

    Nikon's New 300mm f/4 Looks Impressive

    Not sure if you are deliberately trying to be inflammatory but that is the way that it's coming across:upset:. I have to say that I agree with @mikew and J-see on this one and would go further to suggest that using a lens designed for a larger sensor is BETTER; as you are only using the "sweet...
  7. Spottydumplings

    Leica R Lenses on Nikon

    Firstly apologies if this has been asked before/elsewhere (I did do a quick search) or if it is deemed to be in the wrong place... Does anyone know if there is a way to mount a Leica R mount lens on a Nikon body without having to resort to removing the existing bayonet mount (I have seen...
  8. Spottydumplings

    post your aviation shots!

    This is the first time that I have EVER put an image anywhere that people other than friends and family can view; so it is a bit of a leap of faith. I know that the sky could be more interesting but I don't like to do much PP; I'd rather be pressing the shutter than spending hours in front of...