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  1. C

    Looking to better Photography--thanks!

    Ok been some months or so, and the more I learn about Lightroom and natural lighting the more my head spins. Any critique from you all would be appreciated. As I said before your friends or family tend to always tell you how great it is; maybe not to hurt your feelings. The learning comes from...
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    Laptop, iPad, iPhone, Tablets? What do you use?

    What do you all use to transfer photos over to a bigger screen for viewing, editing, or showing people. Do you wi-fi it from camera, connect using an cable adapter? Whats preferable android tablet, ipad, laptop? I thought about using my iphone 6s plus but would i be limited?
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    Sigma 17-50mm lens Santa brought me.

    Ok so for Christmas my wife (santa) bought me a 17-50mm lens by sigma. Maybe she saw me looking at it one night and took note, but here it is. My question is I usually shoot with a 70-200 mm or 85 mm for portraits. Ive been a single subject shooter and by no means a pro photographer, more or...
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    First time portrait for baby- trying to better photography

    Ok this was a first time taking photos of a baby. Man it was difficult at first, they like to move around alot. My last post i got helpful hints about composition, focus, etc. This was my latest. Any critique would be helpful. As I said before friends and family always tell you its great, but...
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    Exporting after Post Processing

    So do you all keep original size when exporting to save to a thumb drive or disk for the client? say from lightroom? Or do you save the edit as a tiff or jpeg?
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    Trying to better my photography

    This one is from the same shoot, I tried lightroom some more on this but once again. Lightroom is a beast for me. But as far as composition, is this better?
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    Trying to better my photography

    Any critique, suggestions would be great. Im learning my joy, and of course you always hear from family and friends how great the picture is. But from fellow photographers is really where the learning starts. Uploaded in jpeg, seems to look different from NEF in lightroom. Thanks in advanced
  8. C

    How does one take such an uplose picture like this.

    How does one take such an uplose picture like this. Do you think it was taken then cropped? Ive tried to get up close like this with a 50mm 1.8, an 85mm 1.8 even the 35mm. Just wondering what your opinion is..
  9. C

    Your choice of lens and suggestion. Family Portraits

    I use currently a Nikon 85mm 1.8 lens and a 35mm 1.8. I love the 85 lens for single portrait photos. Ive been looking at the Tamron 2.8 70-200 mm lens also to use for versatility. My question is this lens a preferred lens also for portraits? The 85mm doesnt do very well for group photos, so I...
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    More attempts at portraits and lightroom

    So I have been messing around with lightroom 5 some more, trying to edit them as close as to natural as I can. Here is my recent attempt. .
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    Famy portrait lens

  12. C

    Famy portrait lens

  13. C

    Family portrait lens

    I use a 85 mm Nikon lens for single shot portraits. I've never really done much group photos like a family of 4 or 5. I've noticed in the Pat when I've used my 85 mm lens for a few people, somome is always out if focus. My question is if I'm going to do a family should I use my 35 mm 1.8 or the...
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    Question about presets

    Ive been learning how to photo edit with Lightroom 5 myself for a bit now. I notice that there are presets out there that offer natural light, warm tones, etc. Now do these presets enhance everything? Like blemishes, soften skin, lighten eyes etc. Or do you still have to do that yourself? thank you
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    So I attempted to photograph a toddler. Whew, they sure move around alot. Well anyhow, its my first attempt at this. Tried lightroom 5 again. Its still a beast to me. Guess it takes awhile. Thanks in advance for the critique.
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    Took some shots tonight, tried to get some nice lighting using a deflector, then the sun went away. Made a small attempt at lightroom again. Thanks for the critique in advance.
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    Took this picture with Nikon 3300 85 mm lens 1.8. Tried an attempt at Lightroom 5, not as easy as I thought. :upset: And portrait photos's I have never done. Thanks in advance for the critique.
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    Advice on the D5300 vs D7100

    If I was to upgrade from the d3300 would the 5300 be a better option over the 7100 because its newer model, wifi, expeed 4 or the 7100's 3, better construction? Its amazing how many reviews you can read and still not come to a conclusion. So Im asking if anyone out there owns a few of these...
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    Astrophotography lens

    I have a Nikon d3300 with a nikon 85mm 1.8g lens. I gave a shot at the starts last night and was having some trouble. Do i need like a 35mm lens to do this type of photography or lower? or will this lens suffice?