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    new member

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    New Forum

    Ohh I see it now. Looks like I clicked on What's new before and there was read threats too. Thank you (y)
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    New Forum

    Any way to get button "Unread threads"? So you can view only threads which was not read yet.
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    blur water - "soft" water effect

    Now I tried my very first time to take picture of water with "soft" effect. I took two pictures- one with and one without effect. 1st: ISO 100, F11, Exposure time 1/200" 2nd: ISO 100, F18, Exposure time 1,6" this time is mounted CPL filter, camera is not on tripod (yes, I know it MUST be on...
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    Photzy - yes or no?

    Hello guys, actually I own a DSLR camera few years but never delve into settings (M, P, A, S). And now I want to try little more and make few test shoots in RAW too. I investigated a little and found Photzy and their Snap and Action cards. Has anyone spotted it and reviewed? Is it worth it?
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    shooting through glass..

    So if I get CPL filter this will help me with better pictures like this? But which one is better to get? Hoya or Marumi? But there is also more models under every brand. I am newbie but I am lost with all this. And for rubber lens hood I select same size as filter? My lenses are 77mm or I...
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    Wireless Zoom?

    Did anyone have any wireless zoom equipment? The only thing I found and it was small is this in YT video. But app is only iOS supported... Maybe something plug-and-play with remote?
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    Post your Moths & Butterflies

    Here is my butterfly. I am amateur photographer but I know I need more practice :)
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    USB charging batteries?

    Hello I have one question. Does any one know for battery charger which can I charge batteries via USB? I hope I was written correctly what I want to find, because I not speak english very well.