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  1. L

    Text editor extremely slow and difficult to use -- why?

    I have given up trying to post messages on Nikonites because the text editor is so ridiculously clumsy and unresponsive. It misses letters all the time.
  2. L

    Lens choice - what would you do?

    Hello, I currently own a D90 with three Nikkor lenses: 18-55mm G zoom 55-200mm G zoom 50mm 1.8 D. I do mainly family outings, indoor/outdoor portraits, landscapes and occasional zoo photos; no sports/action/BIF. These lenses are OK but I'd rather condense them down to two if I can. I...
  3. L

    50mm is NOT a portrait lens ??

    I daresay many of you have already seen this YouTube video 50mm Prime Lens is NOT a Portrait Lens - YouTube . Some people have commented saying they agree with the opinion of Gregory Cazillo. Personally, I think that he is correct for a full frame (FX) sensor, but not a crop (DX) sensor. I...
  4. L

    How does the selected exposure mode affect flash with the D90?

    I have just bought a D90 and am wondering whether it makes much difference which exposure modes I should use with flash. I was a Canon user (40D) and was aware that the behaviour of flash TTL was strongly influenced by the choice of exposure modes, with some selections allowing for ambient light...