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  1. K

    repair advice needed_broken memory card slot cover door on D610

    Hi folks, The memory card slot cover just cracked on my Nikon D610. Nikon says they don't sell the replacement part anymore. I found it on ebay. It looks like you take out a few screws and easily install a new one. But this is my nice $1600 camera body. If it were you, would you attempt this...
  2. K

    D7000 focus point stuck as single point unless camera is in auto mode

    Hi Nikonites, I shoot a D7000 and recently it became stuck with one focal point lit up prior to my taking a photo. This is the case in M, P, A, and S modes. I tried moving the lever beneath thAe command wheel back and forth from L to off. That did not help. I also toggled on and off the AF-A and...