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  1. H

    Trip to Isle Royale Which lens to use?

    Okay I only have two choices for lenses to use on my trip tomorrow to Isle Royale and would like you feed back. I can only take one because it is a backpacking trip and I am already adding a lot of weight with the choice to take my D7000 with me instead of just a simple point and shoot. So my...
  2. H

    Looking for insite

    We are going to be selling out Panoscan and including with this is my Nikkor 16mm fisheye f2.8 manual, I can not seem to find a lot on the worth of the lens. Only one spot did I find it and they were asking 500.00 for the used one just like mine. Can anyone confirm this? Thank so much for any...
  3. H

    Tips on hummingbirds

    I have two lovely hummingbirds that visit my humming bird feeder! But the problem is that I can not seem to get a photo of them. Any tips. They fly away every time I try and snap a photo...even with my 18-200 lens on they always see me move to grab my camera which is by my side! THIS IS MY...
  4. H

    Truly Amazing and inspiring!

    <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to [BENJAMIN EDWARDS] Photographers Give Back">[BENJAMIN EDWARDS] Photographers Give Back</a> Some day I hope to do something like this! So wonderful!
  5. H

    Daily (weekly?) photo submission.

    Well I thought I would start doing a daily photo diary (maybe weekley as life get crazy around here a lot) and this is a start...I wanted to capture my littlest baby girls lashes...because they are AMAZING. Here is my best shot :)
  6. H

    A girl and her horse

    Here is a session I did with my ex sister-in-law and her four horses...this is obviously just one of them. Lacy is still a baby at 2yrs old...she has a bit of growing to do :) Thoughts?
  7. H

    First shots with my new D7000!

    Just a quick shot with my NEW D7000. Just upgraded my D70s. Playing around. All was taken manual with a manual Nikkor 50mm 1.4 lens. I always shoot manual but just starting to pay attention to what I'm setting..otherwise I was just setting and re-setting until I liked the image. ISO 160...
  8. H

    D700 availability...Out of Stock!!!

    I have been trying to find a place to purchase the 700 but can not find anyone who has it available...actually. They allow you to purchase it but they do not have stock. Is there a reason why after all this time of waiting and saving that I can not get it? I was told it was being discontinued...
  9. H

    New kind consumer camera..Not a Nikon but if it comes out I'm sure Nikon will jump on

    WVIL, A Glimpse At The Future Of Photography After Cameras Die [Video] | Co.Design Okay hopefully this link works...I know its not a Nikon but has anyone checked this out. Kinda cool. Weird.
  10. H

    Black and white or color???

    How do you decide on a black and white or color shot? Sometimes you just know...but other times I can't decide. How do you do it?
  11. H

    What...How did I over look this!!!

    I have totally over looked this part of the Forum and although I hate to be critiqed how an I going to get better if I do not! I can already notice a huge difference in my photos from the beginning to now but still I would love some of your feed back on photos! Let me post one up and please...
  12. H

    Alright...thoughts anyone

    I am currently using a Nikon D70s and am looking for an upgrade. I was looking at getting the D700. What are everyone's thoughts on this? A friend has gotten the D7000 and suggested that to me but I don't think that is the camera for me. Any thoughts on that as well! Thanks for the feed back!
  13. H

    Huge giveaway for Photographyers on

    SOULOGRAPHER – CREATIVE RESOURCES FOR CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHERS / WORKSHOP WORKBOOK / POSING GUIDE Soulographer is a blog site for photographers they are haveing a huge sale and giveaway there. Check it out.
  14. H

    Hello from Holland (Michigan that is)

    Well I am a amateur photography who enjoys...taking pictures. Mostly of my beautiful girls but sometimes I get the privilege of taking photos of other peoples children and family!