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  1. C

    Talked out of a D600

    So I took a trip to Seattle today to hit up a good camera shop (Glazer's). Anyways I was almost going to trade my 7100 and 17-50 Tamron for a D600 and the guy at the shop talked me out of it believe it or not. He said since I am planning on upgrading in January to a D810 that I should wait for...
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    Nikon lens video

    Pardon me if this has already been posted, but I just heard about this video and haven't seen it here. Nikon lens technology from Nikon...Enjoy.
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    Just made the price drop

    So I was on Nikon's site drooling over the D810 for my next camera and by chance I noticed the D7100 price dropped from $1049 to $949. I bought mine at Best Buy on the 13th and today being the 28th I raced to them in my car cause they dropped their price accordingly as well. So I got my $100...
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    Photographing cigarette smoke

    Ok so I have this idea for a composition that involves a pair of chuck taylors, an makeshift ashtray with lit cigarette and some other stuff. Obviously it is a still life and I was thinking b&w low key, you know that moody look, so it's not a pic of someone smoking. But I need advice on...
  5. C

    Is this close?(calibration)

    I wanted to do a quick test of my new Tamron and since I have never done a calibration before I don't want to screw it up without asking first. I know I probably should use a darker book, and I know I blew out the book but I wasn't concerned with perfect exposure. The ruler is at a 45 (or as...
  6. C

    Buying FX glass for the future

    I know this has probably been discussed over and over, but I did a search and did not find what I wanted. I currently have the D7100 but I plan on in the next year getting a D750 or D810 (I just don't think the D610 is a big enough jump), and am trying to build up my lens collection first. Now...
  7. C

    Finally a decent lens and first attempt at arty

    So I got my new lens today and since the weather is bad I thought I would try my hand at some indoor stuff. Anyways just my pens and brushes on my art desk. Light sources were the desk's light with 5500K CFL and a YN560III speedlight diffused. Some feedback would be nice, I didn't go to crazy...
  8. C

    Switched Tamron's

    Ok so from my other thread you can see that I originally bought the 18-270 Tamron, and I took it back today. Now it's not that it's a bad lens, it just was not for me and what I want. It is a great lens if you are driving down the highway looking a attractions and need a do everything to...
  9. C

    Good article of JPEG

    I hope this is the right forum, but anyways I was directed to this article about myths and facts about the quality of JPEG's. Thought you all would like to see and weigh in as I currently shoot and post in RAW, but it is good information about after you convert your RAW's to JPEG. JPEG File...
  10. C

    Internal to slave question please

    I am new to this whole lighting thing and have had my YN560III for about a month now. I have gotten good results when I put it in manual triggering where the flash is triggered by another flash (like I had to tell you). Anyways how should the internal flash be set in a D7100 to trigger the...
  11. C

    Proof that you can get a good pic with a entry camera

    This is one of the first photos I took with a D5300 with the 18-55 kit lens after I figured out how to use manual mode. I don't have the D5300 anymore as I stepped up to the D7100 but I wanted to post this for people thinking about the mentioned combo. At 100% the detail is still pretty darn...
  12. C

    Got the Tamron

    As you all know I wasn't happy with my 55-200 so today I got the Tamron 18-270. Kind of bummed that I had to sell one of my quadcopter to do it but I am happy for doing it. It is defiantly a good all around lens for doing a lot of what I call campus shooting at the college. I also picked up a...
  13. C

    Focus and Nikon Customer Support

    Hi All, Maybe you can help me with this as their might be a terminology problem. I went to the Nikon Support site and sent them a message that when I use a new 55-200 lens on my new D7100 I am having a focus hunting problem. Now when I say "Focus Hunting" what I am trying to convey is that...
  14. C

    YouTube Videos

    I just thought I would like to say one thing real quick. The one little thing I really like about watching YouTube videos about photography is that they are usually well shot. When I say well shot I mean they are HD, have good lighting, good audio, after watching so many YouTube videos you can...
  15. C

    Just got my 7100 and love it

    So I am a full time artist (painting, airbrushing, comics) and wanted a better camera then my old coolpix and cell phone. Initially I went and bought a D3300 and after a few days didn't like it. So I went and got a D5300 and again after a few days didn't like it. So finally I said screw it...
  16. C

    Hey All

    So I am an artist and was looking to step up my camera for taking reference photos, which is anything and everything. Anyways I picked up a D7100 not that long ago with the 55-200 (I know not the best). Anyways looking forward to new info and tips. Oh yeah, I also live north of Seattle, WA so...