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    RIP Max

    After about 11 years of being a loyal friend, Max passed away today. He was very sick and had to be put to sleep. He was in a lot of pain and I should have done this weeks ago. I just could not bring myself to it. He has been with us since we rescued him from the local shelter. He use to come...
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    Blacktop's "Wildlife, Tenne-scenery and all kinds of other stuff" for 2018.

    After wracking my brain (or is it racking my brain?) trying to come up with a clever title like Horoscope Fish's "hook line and sinker, This is the best I can come up with.:( I blame it on the cold weather causing brain shrinkage.:beguiled:
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    500PX..Anyone else missing photos?

    Just logged in there and some of my shots are missing. Mostly the ones from a few months ago.
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    Blacktop's Big Colorado Vacation. (Image heavy)

    I'm posting shots in here as I finish processing a set of different things. As I just got home a few hours ago from a long assed drive, there won't be much today, but will continue posting tomorrow. All landscape shots were taken with the D750 and the 24-120mm f/4 lens. No tripod was used due...
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    Might take drive out to Colorado.

    Have a week off next week ,so me and the missus might drive out to Colorado. Probably around Colorado Springs . Anyone live around there or familiar with the area? We'll have about 4 or 5 days to spend out there so we can make a few short side trips as well.
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    Crazy lens cap price

    I need a 95mm lens cap for my 200-500mm lens. The Nikon brand is 33 dollars, while a Tamron brand is 10 bucks..What gives?:confused:
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    I need some help please!

    Took this shot at the Zoo Sunday. Unfortunately with the way the light was I was getting some harsh stuff. This is the only shot I have of this Hawk and I have the cropping just the way i want, but there is this ugly blue shadow on the girls face that I just cant get rid of. Been watching...
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    I have an idea for a shot this weekend.

    Last weekend I took a long exposure shot on the white water which I liked, but I think that it would have been more interesting with rafters in the shot. Of course if I do a long exposure, the rafters will be very blurry. I'm thinking of taking one long exposure shot like this, and another shot...
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    Need help with yuuuuuge dilemma.

    Ok! I have Chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice-cream. I also have Hershey's chocolate syrup. Which do I eat with the syrup? Chocolate with chocolate syrup sound too chocolaty. Maybe the vanilla with the syrup, and the chocolate ice-cream on the side? I know one thing. I'm leaving the...
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    Nikon 18-35mm f/3.5-f/4.5 ?

    Been reading some rave reviews on this lens. Anyone has one and what are your thoughts?
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    Post your 70-200mm lens shots. (Any make any model)

    I looked but could not find any thread like this, so I'm creating one. Any make (Nikon,Sigma Tamron etc) any model (VRI-II -FL, G2, G1 and so on). As long as it's a 70-200, go crazy! Users of the older Nikkor 80-200mm lenses are also welcome to post.
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    The Chattanooga Choo-Choo.

    I've been living in the area for over 10 years now,and never visited the here. Until today.
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    My Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 VR lens has arrived.

    Well, I'm such a dumbass sometimes. I took a sick day from work today (I knew my lens would arrive by the tracking) to test out my new (to me) lens. Mounted it on my D500 (that is what camera I bought it for) and headed down to the Chattanooga Zoo to give it a good test run. Mostly I wanted...
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    Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8E FL VR Review For the price of 2 Tamron 70-200mm G2 lenses, I think not.
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    Changing the date on EXIF

    When I got my D750 back from Nikon, I forgot to update the date. I took some shots last weekend at the botanical gardens and they are showing February 2014. Anyway to change the EXIF to the correct date?
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    Weekly Challenge Apr 19th-26th: Abandoned.

    "Abandoned - Marilynne's Choice Anything that is abandoned (Buildings, vehicles...etc). Let's see how creative you can be! Color, B&W, HDR...anything goes! DO NOT SHOOT OR POST IMAGES UNTIL WEDNESDAY Apr 19th This early announcement of the topic is to give a...
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    Recovering highlights . Very impressed.

    Went out to the river to shoot some action shots of white water rafting . (D500+200-500mm lens) I was playing with the metering mode as not to blow the whites of the water, but not to under expose the darker areas either. Took a few shots with spot metering, but way over exposed, so I settled...
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    How to Improve Your Gear Without Taking More Photos

    Truer words have not been spoken.
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    I'm sold ALL my Nikon gear.

    The EVIL Nikon corporation will no longer be profiting off of this hard working proletarian. I am done and it's about time. I had a garage sale yesterday, and sold everything. Got a respectable price , even though I sold it in bulk. All my bodies and lenses for over a grand. Not bad when you...
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    Canon 600mm f/4

    While shooting at the Osprey's nest today, there was a lady there with a Canon and a huge lens. I walked up and struck up a conversation. I asked if that was a 600mm f/4 lens and it turned out that I was right. Also turned out that she was a very nice lady and asked if I would like to take a...