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  1. T

    Rokinon 10mm 2.8 Question

    I just picked up the Rokinon 10mm 2.8. I was well aware that it's a manual lens, which is fine since it's only going to be used for Astrophotography. I was under the impression that I had to manually change the aperture. While testing it in the store I kept getting the fEE error. The guy in the...
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    Composition and Editing

    I recently did a photo shoot for a family who was looking to have some photos for the holidays and just in general. Obviously they were very happy with them and said they would refer me to any friends who are looking to have some photos done. Overall I am happy with them but I am always looking...
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    Star shot advice

    I had the opportunity to attend a workshop over the weekend that introduced me to shooting the stars. It was very informative and fun, even though the weather wasn't 100% cooperative. I've never shot at night like this, using high ISO, so editing these photos are fairly new to me. Using...
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    Panning shots...

    Tried this out for the first time the other I headed in the right direction??
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    Post your Fall pictures

    I searched around and couldn't find one, so I figured I'd start a thread to post show all the great Fall favorite time of year to shoot!
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    Name your price?

    I recently came across a website where you can go on and name your price for an item, tax and shipping included, and they send that offer out to retailers. If someone accepts your offer then it's sold to you at that price. I am considering trying this out, maybe putting in a offer for a SB700...
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    More Sunsets...

    Down the shore this past weekend and I was able to grab a few shots of the sunset just after the sun went down...I'm trying a few new things, like I spot metered for the sky to get the colors in and leave the boats in the foreground dark...just wondering if I overworked the skies at all...
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    Post Processing advice...

    I was trying some things out the other night with some friends and I took this picture. The ISO was increased because it was getting dark. When I looked at it in Lightroom there was a lot of noise. I edited it and messed around with decreasing the noise...just wondering if I'm on the right...
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    First Engagement Shoot...

    So about a month ago I shot engagement photos for my brother and his fiancé...Since it was me shooting we were able to take our time and shoot at a couple different locations over two days. The photos were taken at a garden, the boardwalk, the beach, and a winery. Despite my effort to try to...
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    Sunset Shots

    I took a few sunset shots this past weekend down the shore...I've never processed sunset photos and I know they can be kinda tricky because of everything going on in them. Here are two shots that I really liked. I'd like to get one framed and give it as a gift to my girlfriend's dad. (It's...
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    First paid shoot??

    So the other day I offered to take some candid shots of a friend's child for his upcoming first birthday. The parents had already has a formal professional session booked, but wanted some shots of their son running around by the water near their house. It was my first time shooting a little...
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    Blown out reds?

    I took this picture yesterday and edited it in Lightroom just now...I really had to work with it to get back a lot of the detail in the was shot at ISO 100, f/5, and 1/400 sec...I'm thinking it was because of the f/5 and maybe I should have shot it at a 8 or 11?
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    The Tax Man giveth...My early thoughts on my new D7100...

    With my tax return I purchased a new D7100 and the Nikon 24-120 f4 last friday. I went away for the weekend and brought it along for some testing. I upgraded from a D5000, so I'm still getting used to all the buttons and where certain things are. One thing that stuck out was the play that the...
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    Winter Beach Shots

    First shots with my new D7100. I'm still getting used to it. A lot different from my D5000. Took some shots this past weekend at the beach. The sky was somewhat cloudy so I messed around with the Graduated Filter in Lightroom. Just wondering if I'm on the right track or not...
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    Superbowl Festivities in NY/NJ

    I was able to get out this past weekend and grab some shots of some of the Superbowl Events. These are my favorites so far...
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    Vacation Shots...

    I recently took a vacation to Disney with my girlfriend and family. I shot in RAW for the first time and attempted to teach myself how to edit in Lightroom when I returned. I have a very basic understanding of how to do it, but I plan on taking some lessons to understand more about post...