Search results

  1. M

    Long Exposures and noise reduction in camera or not?

    Exposures that are loooong, say 2 min. or more. Should noise reduction be set on camera or not? If I under stand correctly the processing time for the exposure is as long as the exposure, so a 4 min. exposure would take 4 min. in camera to process? So if I where to turn it off and fix the noise...
  2. M

    Monochrome in camera and White balance setting?

    Does one need to worry about white balance, when taking a Black & White photo in camera? From all of the books that I have read, there seem to be no mention on white balance. Have read a couple of Ansel Adams books and there is no mention of it in them either. Did they not need to worry about it...
  3. M

    Metering through the Fog?

    When the camera meters through the fog, is the camera giving me a proper reading? Or should the reading given, be adjusted? Thanks Michael
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    The Human Brain

    Why do we assume that a manipulated picture of a flower, where the leaves are other than green, incorrect, that something is wrong? Yet viewing a "painting" of the same flower with the leaves in any colour acceptable? Michael:confused:
  5. M

    Found, article on texture.

    Came upon this, and thought some may find this artical helpful. Very good read if you ask me. Texture Photography -- Part 1 Michael
  6. M

    Tehering to a tablet?

    Looking to tether my D90 to my Toshiba Thrive tablet, to use it as Live View mostly. Cant seem to find any software to allow me to do this. I can find a few good programs for laptops, but nothing for Android tablets. Any help in this matter would be muchly appreciated. Thanks Michael
  7. M

    New Year Approaching

    Well with the new year approaching fast, have you contemplated on a new-years photography resolutions? I myself have come up with 3. * fine tune my compositions *working more with a ND filter *try to create an emotion with my photos What about yourself? Michael
  8. M

    Light through the camera view finder.

    My question is, would there ever be a time that when metering or take a pic it would be justified covering up the view finder? I realize that on a sunny day or even for that matter a overcast day, the amount of light entering the camera through the view finder and hitting the sensor would not...
  9. M

    Preferred burning software.

    When backing up photos to disk, is there a preferred software program that everyone uses? Is there such a program that I can burn a partial disk and then continue where I left of once I have more to back up? Thanks, Michael
  10. M

    Who is your favorite famous photographer?

    Was just wondering who your favorite famous photographer is? What do you like about their photos. Michael
  11. M

    F/stops and Colors

    Is there a specific f/stop that renders a particular color better then the rest,( example f/22 renders yellow really close, but red looks washed out.) And say f/14 is best for red, but the yellow looks to dark?:confused: thanks, Michael
  12. M

    Exposure for Black and White?

    Knowing that you are going to convert your image to black and white, should one expose for the whites and let everything else fall as they may? Or should one expose for the middle tones,or yet expose for the subject and let everything else fall as they may? Michael,:confused:
  13. M

    D90 multiple exposure mode question.

    If I have read it correctly, I can take 2 or 3 shots and the camera will blend the photos together. Every where I look says keep (gain) on. It further says that if taking 2 shot, it will Ev them at 1/2 and if I take 3 it will Ev them at 1/3. K got all that. Now the question, if I take 2 shots...
  14. M

    First shot, bang on!?

    Curious as to how many of you usually get what your looking for on the first shot? Why I ask is, I have read several photography books and only a couple have mentioned having to take several shots to get what they are looking for. And the rest make it sound as if they get it on the first...
  15. M

    Need motivation to photograph!

    For the past couple of weeks it seems that I have slowly lost my motivation to take camera in hand. Looking for any advice. What would you do, or have done to motivate yourself? Thanks Michael:confused:
  16. M

    Lens construction and colour question.

    OK, you have 2 cameras , same make and model. On one camera is a Nikon AF-S 10-24mm F/3.5-4.5 and on the other a Tamoron AF 10-24mm F/3.5-4.5. Both cameras same composition, distance, Fstop etc. The Nikon has 2 ED and 3 Asphericals The Tamron has 2 LD and 1 Hybrid and 4 Asphericals. Should...
  17. M

    Poll: Metering for landscape, Spot or Matrix?

    Would you compose the picture, meter the scene using Matrix, adjust the setting to get a correct exposure, and take the shot. or Spot meter the sky, spot meter the land, add a gradual neutral density filter that corresponds to the (stop) difference between the sky and land. Compose your...
  18. M

    Camera sensor and metallic colours?

    Do camera sensors have a problem dealing with metallic colours? Are they rendered under or over exposed? Thanks Michael
  19. M

    Tokina 11-16mm F2.8 PRO DX or Sigma 10-20mm F3.5 DC HSM or Nikon AF-S 10-24mm F3.5/4.

    Looking to purchase an Ultra Wide lens for landscape photography. I have read several reviews on each of the above, but I would like to read your first hand account on any one of the lenses. Many thanks in advance. Michael For my D90
  20. M

    Cleaning Rear Lens; What to use?

    I have recently purchased a used lens, and I see a spot on the rear lens that I can't seem to blow off with my rocket. So I'm not sure what type of cleaner to use on it. Is the rear lens a different construction from the front? I don't want to scratch the lens or coating. Any suggestions would...