Search results

  1. Whiskeyman

    Too Hot!!

    Today is definitely an editing/culling day. Woke up this morning and the temps were still in the 80s (F). The local thermometer is now at 99 F and there isn't a cloud of significance in the sky. The heat index is reported as 108-110. And I know some of you are experiencing even hotter...
  2. Whiskeyman

    Epson Print Layout Software

    I've owned/used an Epson Artisan 1430 printer for several years, and was thinking about upgrading to a printer like the Epson P700 because it is capable of printing panoramic prints on 13-inch paper, which my Artisan 1430 couldn't do. (With the Artisan 1430's original software.) Then I found...
  3. Whiskeyman

    Datacolor SpyderLensCal Autofocus Calibration Aid On Sale-Time Limited

    For anyone who is thinking about getting one of these, now is a good time as B&H has them on sale for $39.00 US in the DealZone. The sale lasts for a bit more than five hours from when I'm posting this...
  4. Whiskeyman

    Whiskeyman's March 2021 Wildlife Photo Chase

    I left the house this morning for a few-days-trek around parts of Florida to capture photos of wildlife. I had lunch with my son before driving to my first stop, Bartow, Florida. I'm in a hotel less than ten miles from my first destination, the Circle-B-Bar Reserve. I plan to be at the park...
  5. Whiskeyman

    Gear Cart?

    I'm looking at buying a used baby jogger (3-wheeled) to convert into a photo gear carrier. Has anyone here ever seen or have something like this? Or have tips or suggestions about how to convert the jogger to a gear carrier? My thoughts are that it has to carry at least two cameras with large...
  6. Whiskeyman

    Problems with Topaz Sharpen AI on an iMac

    I'm running an iMac with the High Sierra OS and Lightroom 6.14 and having issues when trying to edit photos with Topaz Sharpen AI. When I run Sharpen from within Lightroom, it works, somewhat. Once Sharpen starts, it doesn't appear on the monitor, and I get no inputs into tool selection...
  7. Whiskeyman

    Let's be careful out there."

    I have blundered. I recently got an e-mail touting free online education from Nikon, which is happening. However, the e-mail wasn't from Nikon; it was from [email protected]. When I visitedn the link in the message, it gave an error message, which puzzled me until I went back and saw...
  8. Whiskeyman

    Oh! You Have to be Kidding Me, Nikon!!!!

    I can't believe that Nikon/Nikon USA would do this, but there it is in plan sight. Nikon USA has a sale on refurbished gear this week with certain photo gear offered at a 10% discount. Sure enough, there are D850s offered with the sale. But wait! Instead of the $2399.99 price that they were...
  9. Whiskeyman


    I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving today. Whatever you are doing, take time to reflect on the good things in our lives. Hopefully, when we do, we'll find that there is more good going on that we realized. WM
  10. Whiskeyman

    My files are backed up, but darn it!!!!

    I was earlier working with Lightroom(LR) and noticed that a lot, if not most, of my photo files were unavailable. So I checked to see it the drive they were on had been disconnected from the computer, discovering that it had. When it was reconnected, it was empty. Most of the files are backed...
  11. Whiskeyman

    Another Storm

    Well, another storm is headed in my direction: I'm beginning to just not care. WM
  12. Whiskeyman

    How's Your "Local" Camera Shop

    I visited my "local" camera shop today, and their shelves were bare of new cameras. They still have quite a bit of accessories available for purchase, and used cameras, both digital and film. I asked about when they expect new cameras, and they informed me that they are slowly getting gear...
  13. Whiskeyman

    Gear Availability Issues

    I had to go to a neighboring city today for some recall work on one of my cars. While I was there, they gave me a loaner car and I drove over to the local camera shop, where I was surprised by the lack of new product on the shelves. They had one new Nikon camera (D780) in the store and just a...
  14. Whiskeyman

    Hurricane Isaias

    For all of you Nikonites along the southeast US coast (Marilynne, Fred Kingston, Needa, et al), I wish you safety and good health as this storm approaches and impacts you. May its effects be minimal at most for everyone. Please let us know you are safe after the storm passes. You're all in my...
  15. Whiskeyman

    The Story Behind the Shot

    I got this idea from another post, and hope it will be used frequently. Please post a shot that you particularly like, or one that someone else likes and requests, and tell the story about how you went about capturing the image, or the circumstances around the image. WM
  16. Whiskeyman

    D500 Autofocus Performance

    I spent most of yesterday at a water sking tournament in NW Florida, taking photos at the invitation of a friend who skis with the hosting organization. I used both my D500 and D750, and the Nikon 70-200mm E FL AF-S, Nikon 300mm AF-S G VR II and Nikon 500mm AF-S G VR lenses. Now I'm busy...
  17. Whiskeyman

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all. And what ever you celebrate, may you have a wonderful ending to 2019 and may 2020 be prosperous and full of good photography! WM
  18. Whiskeyman

    Lens Modification?

    Does anyone know why this lens mount/barrel rear has the cutout just beyond the left screw? WM
  19. Whiskeyman

    Hurricane Dorian

    I hope everyone in the path of Hurricane Dorian is able to remain in place safely or evacuate to a safer location. Marilynne, if you're still in Delray Beach, you have a lower forecast probability of being directly hit by the storm; but it's a forecast, not a directive to the storm. And...
  20. Whiskeyman

    Nikon AF-S 70-200 G Will Not Autofocus

    Since I'm supposed to go out on a shoot this Thursday, I started checking my gear today and found that my 70-200 AF-S will not autofocus on either of the two cameras I tried it on. I got two other lenses to autofocus without any issues at all, so I'm fairly certain that it is the lens that is...