Weekly Challenge July 26th - Aug 1st "B As In ....." & "Warm"


Senior Member
Challenge Team
"B As In ....." & "Warm" – TwistedThrottle & nikonbill's Choice

"B As In ....." & "Warm" Choose one or a combination of the two.

Let's see how creative you can be! Color, B&W, HDR...anything goes!


This early announcement of the topic is to give a little think time, before the challenge begins. Photos must be taken and submitted between 00:00 UTC of the start date and 23:59 UTC of the end date.

If the forum EXIF viewer does not show for any reason, listing the camera and capture date/time below the photo is acceptable. Listing exposure info, lens & focal length is encouraged so others can learn.

The Rules

1. Any photo submitted for the Weekly Photo Challenge must be taken using a Nikon Camera! Any photo submitted for a weekly challenge must be taken during the dates specified in the challenge thread and taken by YOU!

2. If the EXIF does not show using a browser EXIF app, listing the camera and capture date/time below the photo is required. Listing exposure info, lens & focal length is encouraged so others can learn.

3. Photos must be posted in this thread to be considered. Links to photos will not be considered an entry (In other words, no Flikr, Photobucket, or similar links)

4. Only one photo entry per member for each week, unless otherwise noted.

5. All regularly active members of Nikonites are allowed to participate, including moderators and administrators.


During the submission & like periods, please click the Thanks/Like button to vote for your favorite images. You can vote for as many as you want! At the end of the week, you will have the opportunity to vote again for the top 3 photos for this challenge!

There will be no cash or prizes awarded for the Weekly Photo Challenges, unless specifically noted by the site administrator.

Any photo will be accepted for the challenge. Edited or straight out of the camera, it does not matter. You are left with complete freedom to do whatever genre of photography you wish to do, and your own interpretation of the challenge subject.

Please note - Rule 2 changed.


New member
B as in a bumble bee and a honey bee sharing a blackberry blossom on a warm day.



Senior Member
This BIRD looks WARM

Public service announcement:
If your birds look like this, take your feeders down for a few days and clean them thoroughly before putting the feeders back up. This House Finch has Conjunctivitis or some sort of eye infection that can spread to some other types of birds by using the same feeder. This bird will probably die of starvation or predation by not being able to see once the disease progresses a bit more. Best I can hope for is to have him move away from the rest by not offering food at this location for a few days. Be observant of birds not acting normal and take immediate action once identified. (Legally nothing I can do for this lil guy but the backyard wild bird population relies on smart actions like this to protect the flock).
Sorry for the lengthy dialog, I hope this helps someone else identify the disease.
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Senior Member
Based on feedback I've received from you regarding this and past pictures, I am beginning to suspect that you might have a fondness for cats in general, and this cat in particular.
Yes, I do a fondness for cats in general. However, I would not really say your cat is particular.


New member
Hey Bob, Buddy the cat looks like a great buddy (even with a damaged left ear)!!
He can be quite a jerk at times, but at other times is a wonderful cat.

The ear signifies he was caught by a trap/neuter/release program and is no longer contributing to the local feline gene pool.


Senior Member
Challenge Team
Submission time is up. About Twenty three for hours remain to like the photos of your choice.