Children candid shots


Senior Member


Senior Member
Maybe it's just me being paranoid, but I have this thing about posting any pics of children on the internet. I just feel it's a security issue. Makes me feel uneasy for some reason.

It's not so much the's using the children's names on the 'net. There are sickos out there that prey on this kind of stuff.

If you must post pics of your kids, or kids of people you know, PLEASE don't use their names. Let's keep kids safe from predators.

These opinions are mine and not those of Nikonites management.

Agree wholeheartedly....I was watching a show on TV the other night with police pretend being teen girls and this male person set up a meet with them...He was telling "the girls" what he would do to and with them, very crude.
They nabbed him at the station he arranged to meet at...


New member
This was the first time these kids had ever played with bubbles. This was on the southern most island of Vanuatu, Aneityum, last year.


  • Vanuatu Kids-1001.jpg
    Vanuatu Kids-1001.jpg
    128.3 KB · Views: 2,987
  • Vanuatu Kids-1000.jpg
    Vanuatu Kids-1000.jpg
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I smooth missed this thread I guess...some great photos here...I agree with you Jack - I used to never post photos of my kids or anyone elses but in the past few years I have let down my guard quite a bit...look at how we are doing the Sandusky trial nationwide and the past couple of weeks with the Ethan case...there are definitely some sicko puppies amongst us in the world...

Anyone recogonize the camera on the kids shirt in the very first post of this thread? That would be a Nikon! Looks to be either a FM or FE...


Senior Member
I'd be extremely wary of taking candid pictures of kids that aren't mine to be honest. I was at my son's school sports last week and focused only on him. A teacher saw me zoom the lense in and I saw her ask "is that your dad?". This is a real issue in modern day and it's sad it's happened coz kids have fantastic expressions at times but I must admit I'd have something to say to someone if they took a candid photo of my son.


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This is a shot done by my sister of my sister has always been a photo hound even way before I picked up a camera...I find this one to be very interesting because IMO the little girl is miming her mom's use of the camera...



Senior Member
I really don't like the fact that people are posting pictures of other peoples kids on here. It is not your right to do so. If i found a picture of my daugher on here, i would hunt down the photographer like a rabid dog! Unless it is your kid or unless you have permission from the parent to post pics of the kid, don't post it. Just my feeling about it.


Senior Member
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of kiddie shots either.....just for the sake of security. Too many crazy people out there preying on children, so I don't advocate taking pictures of children and posting them on the internet.


Senior Member
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of kiddie shots either.....just for the sake of security. Too many crazy people out there preying on children, so I don't advocate taking pictures of children and posting them on the internet.

I am all for protecting kids and i think Nikonites should follow suit, maybe by deleting this thread as a start!?...